It seems like every day a new friend/family member/celebrity announces that they are pg. Am I going crazy or home isolation caused a massive baby boom?? Yeah, before the pandemic, it seemed to me everyone around was pregnant, but now LITERALLY EVERYONE is pregnant!!! Do you know what I mean? Am I the only one who's noticed? Am I insane? I'm frustrated more than ever! My cycle in April was canceled(already rescheduled for Nov, yay!), and all these constant pg announcements just drives me mad! When I log on facebook/instagram, I see at least one person every day that makes the announcement! I'm so jealous... I'm very excited that I'll have my de cycle soon but I'm nervous that we won't have any luck... I'm really trying to be positive... I just want a baby sooo bad!
Am I insane? I'm frustrated more than... - Infertility Support
Am I insane? I'm frustrated more than ever!
I totally know what you mean. You're not insane! I've noticed it too! I'm happy for my friends, but at the same time, I'm definitely jealous. I just keep telling myself that it will happen for me too. I know it's hard, but try to stay positive. Focus on your upcoming cycle. Try to avoid social media. That's what I did! And it works) Good luck with your cycle!
I know what you're talking about! My two best friends are pregnant. I'm excited for them very much! At the same time, it sucks that I'm not joining them... My other best friend just had a baby in August. My neighbor is pregnant with her 5th. So I completely sympathize with you! I think it's okay to feel jealous. I really hope to get my BFP soon... And I'm wishing the same to all of you, girls!
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that feels that way!!! I love my friends! And I'm so excited for them! I'm just sad for myself... I'm ready for it to be my turn... I hope everyone gets a BFP very soon! Sending baby dust your way!
I can relate and have been invited to a baby shower on Saturday how to get out of this situation just tested negative on the current ivf try
I'm so sorry it was negative. I hope you feel much better now. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do next! I should say I just hate to get baby showers invitations... And I hate this feeling because I understand that my friend/colleague/neighbor who sent me it just wanted to see me there... But my jealousy, sadness and grief just don't let me enjoy such events... I just hope everything will change soon. Good luck, dear!
Exactly! I see babies and pregnant mum's everywhere. I go to work and I work with 2 pregnant ladies. One of them told me her planned ceasearian was the 1st Oct I felt crushed. I just finished a failed cycle and follow up meeting with doctor was the same date. We went to clinic had meeting and I had missed message from her pics of her with her baby girl. I broke had a cry, congratulated her via text. Then deleted her pics. It's so very hard for us IVF warriors at times and honestly I am happy for everyone being a mum etc but I am ok with having some jealousy because I want my baby too. Others who conceive easily don't get it. That's why I am so glad to talk over forums with people who understand. Stay strong you've got this!!
I'm so sorry about your failed cycle. I know exactly what you're talking about... When I get someone else's scans I just cry and cry and cry... I delete them immediately bc this is just unbelievably painful to see them. The only scans I want to see rn are mine. And I hope it will happen soon... Thank you so much for your support, dear! Hang in there and good luck to you!
I feel the same way! I can't escape pregnant women and babies everywhere. Two failed IVF cycles and I'm beyond devastated and jealous of everyone around me. Feeling lost and unsure what to do now. Seems like so many women are able to just have babies with no problems and it's hard to wrap around why I can't do it too. It's cruel. Best of luck to you in your next cycle.
Thank you, dear! I'm so sorry about your failed cycles. Sometimes it feels like there's no way out... And pregnant women with children don't make this situation any easier for us... This is so emotionally draining. Jealousy just doesn't let you focus on yourself... But I'm sure you'll find your way! Hang in there!
For some it's just enough to stay at home for some time and get pg. For others not. I'm among the latter too. This is not because I've never known I have infertility issues. I suffer a severe heart disease, so getting pg myself has always been out of a question. To get our first into a family we flew abroad for surrogacy. And then to get a sibling we had to move the same route. I know how much pain may cause pg people around. I felt so much pity for myself and my 'deffective' body. I blamed it so many years.. Anyway, girls, jealousy you're feeling is just natural. I believe everyone goes through this stage when struggling for a baby. Stay strong, lovelies, I'm praying your rainbow's just behind the corner.
This world is so unfair! We're also going abroad to have de cycle. As we want to have a sibling for our baby, we'll have to do it once again in a year or 2... I know it's too early to even think about it... Now I need to focus on the upcoming cycle and hope it will be a success. But I understand, there will be no miracle when we'll decide it's time to have another baby. My congratulations to you! And thanks for sharing your journey, it’s very inspiring!
You always know how to cheer me up! I'm having my appointment at the fertility clinic next week. I'm so happy it's finally happening! After my canceled cycle in April, I thought I'd lose my mind! Social media was driving me mad with all those pg announcements (and they don't seem to stop announcing). Well at least I finally can have my cycle! And who knows maybe in a couple of months there will be my turn to announce... Sending Babydust your way, girls! Thank you for always staying by my side!
It’s so hard my bestie announced via text which I appreciated so wish my pain hindered being happy for her.