Clomid: So every month I take provera... - Infertility Support

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September0916 profile image
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So every month I take provera to start my periods if I do not naturally start. Provera makes me very very sick. So I asked the doctor for a lighter dose for shorter time. This worked for a few months, but this month it did not. This month I ended up taking a total of 15 days of provera. Needless to say, we stocked up on gingerale. So I took my clomid and now we are in the intimacy every other day until day 21 of my cycle.

Here is where it gets annoying.

During this time of intimacy, it is anything but intimate. Its scheduled, frustrating, a chore. But its a chance at achieving our dream. Until its a sex night and your husband tells you hes too tired.

After 3 weeks of hormones and nausea and vomiting for him to say hes too tired. I am feeling pretty angry and overwhelmed

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Karinyaa profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this, honey..I'd feel the same, definitely! I remember the early days of our trouble conceiving. I did several phone calls to different fertility experts. All they seemes too busy to listen to what's going on with us, so shortly told ''Let's meet in a month'' or ''I'm currently busy'' or ''I cannot do it earlier than May etc..'' Only one but last expert told me ''OK, you can come the day after tomorrow we'll se what can be done..''I remember I told my dh. but surprisingly he said ''I can't. I've got a very important meeting at work''. This drove me nuts. I burst into tears telling him all my worries/doubts/pains/....He listened to me with his eyes widely opened. I think he didn't expect me exploding like this, and I cannot say it was good of me to act like this. But seems I couldn't hold myself together then..I believe this was the begining of our sincere heart-to-heart dealing with the problem..

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