Motherhood is a divine experience bestowed upon a woman. From the minute a lady finds her pregnancy, she feels the child developing inside her despite the fact that she has never observed it. She builds up a profound passionate bond with the child, and as days cruise by, this bond ends up further and stronger. Yes, the unnatural birth cycle is the word - the most agonizing background for any pregnant lady. The loss of a pregnancy is justifiably excruciating to the dispossessed mother, and it is to a great degree typical for her to be tragic, discouraged, furious, and may be disconnected from the encompassing environment. It will all be alright at last. On the off chance that it's not alright, at that point it's not the don't lose trust. Indeed try it out. Yo will succeed this time.
infertility: Motherhood is a divine... - Infertility Support

Thank you for those lines. They're so hearty. I know about your loss from the previous post. I'm proud of you. I'm so glad you've found courage to fight infertility. I don't know your background but obviously you've suffered the worst in the car accident. I know you're on the other side of the fence now but I'm sure such memories are never forgotten. Brave lady you are! Thanks for the inspiration you're giving to struggling people. Be blessed.
OMG, I think I know you're writing here some thoughts from the past after your car accident..Poor thing, this loss seems to be with you all the time. I'm so pround of you. Brave you could find strength and find the solution. I'm also happy for your successful cycles which brought you your 4 beautiful kids. We passed failed IUI & ICSI cycles. Following 3 DE IVF shots were no doubt difficult to go through. IVF#1 failed with BFN. IVF#2 ended with early miscarriage which completely broke my heart into pieces. I knew this was my rainbow and lost it..2 more little beans which never saw this world..Gosh, I was going insane. Our IVF#3 I was in low of spirits, almost hopeless and indefferent. But to my amazement it worked out. I couldn't believe success & that all my fears were behind..Oh my, we aren't the ones who rule over this definitely! May God bless all people struggling with their bundles of joy one day, sooner or later, but bless them all!
''On the off chance that it's not alright, at that point it's not the don't lose trust. Indeed try it out. Yo will succeed this time.''--love, love those ones!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Here's some of my background with happy end but plus two more mcs leaving me heartbroken. Me – 37. DH – 38. TTC since Jan 2008. Faced 2 chemical pregnancies the 2 following years. Was put on Clomid 50 but ended with another chemical. Oct-Dec 2010 Fermara 5 and Purgon 75. Had 3 months break from treatments. Feb & Mar & Apr 2011 IUI #1 & 2 & 3 Purgon 150 & Clomid 100 BFN x3. IVF #1 Superfact & Puregon 300. 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 6 eggs fertilized, 2 survived. Transferred 2 low grade morulas on day 5 – BFN.
Donor Egg Cycle. IVF#1 (DE)April 2015. Transferred 1 grade 4AA embryo – BFN. Dr made some changes into treatment protocol. IVF#2 (DE) - transferred 2 blasts. BFP on 6dp5dt.1st Beta 148. 2nd Beta- 315. 7wk 3d ultrasound - 1 heartbeat 138bpm, measuring 7wks 3ds. My sweet son born via C-section. As mentioned above, adding 2 more MCs after my son was born.
We're currently on donor egg cycle with Ukrainian clinic. Went there back with hope to get a sibling for ds. You're absolutely right 'don't lose trust -- you'll succeed this time!'' Thank you so much for words of inspiration! Be blessed always!
Hey there Rose. I hope you are doing great. Really happy to hear from you. It could not have been said more beuatifuly. I know what you mean. I have felt it too. I had an mc I lost all hopes. However, it was the strong will of my husband that kept me from been completely lost. I suggest all the women be strong and positive. Positivity is really important. I know how hard it is to deal with infertility. But be strong gets you through it. I am a mother of two young boys now. Although I had to go for surrogacy. It was all worth the effort. Good luck and take care. A lot of prayers for all the women out there.
Thank you so much for your wonderful words. I got really motivated. Infertility is a curse. I know you must have gone through this. You know it better. Infertility demands pain. You can only defeat it by your positivity. A woman should struggle hard to fulfill its desires. I have a strong desire for a baby. But it is difficult for an anorexic woman to conceive. My body has not much power to give birth. But my family is quite supportive. My sister has gone through surrogacy. I am much inspired by her. She thinks that surrogacy will be best for me.
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->"Hi there, thanks for this post. This post really makes me emotional. Every woman wants to be mother nature. We all want to get that feeling of motherhood. But everyone is not that lucky, fate doesn't favor us all. The worst part is you finally get pregnant and then you lost it. Miscarriages and then infertility really break women into pieces. But its all part of life. Many women faced this issue. There is a solution to every problem.
Nowadays scientific treatment is really helping us a lot. Surrogacy is a great treatment of science. It is turning out to be a great blessing for infertile couples. Instead of giving up in these hardtimes we should fight we should take advantage of these alternatives."
Hey, I am so sorry. It is hard for a woman. well, it is amazing to be a parent. A woman always wanted to be a mother but sometimes it is not exactly a woman think. I am inspired by your post. The way you are motivating people, i like this. Well, you are right this tie. Infertility cant stop you from becoming a mother. There nothing to be worried about. a woman should try again and again. In the end she will succeed. I am happy that people are never demotivated. They always find ways to be parents. I pray for the hopeful women. I wish they get what they want.
Yes, you are right. A woman should try again and again. It i is never the end of anything. Women always get a chance to choose something for her self. She chooses to be a mother. She shows that she is a good mother. But I think if she is not able to become a mother then it is not her fault. We should stop blaming such woman. Secondly, these women should be brave enough to try to have babies. They have many ways to have babies. Miscarriage is not in a woman's hand. So they should not blame themselves. I know it really hurts them. But the thing is its not their fault. I hope it would help another woman too.
Hope you are doing well. To be a mother is a great feeling. But sometimes it's not in luck, It's not in their hands either. Well, you have said very well. This kind of post helps people to find a strength to go on. One shouldn't lose hope and try their best. It's really the worst feeling of not Conceiving. Infertility has become a common problem nowadays. It takes a lot out of women. Not only women but Men are also the victim of this pathetic situation. But with the advancement of science, it has become easy for people to be a parent. The procedure like IVF, IUI have got so successful. I am happy to the point that people can enjoy parenthood now with the help of these alternatives. I hope your post will aware so many infertile people out there who are seeking guidance. Stay blessed.
I agree with you, you are right. You should keep on trying. Nothing ends here or it never ends of anything. Everyone has right to choose what they want to. She wants to be a mother. She will be a good mother. It's not her fault if she is not able to conceive. We should stop that poor practice of blaming anyone. This thing is not in anyone hands. Miscarriages are always hard. She can have a baby through treatments too. I think it really hurts. I hope it would help another woman too. I know you will understand this. This is the start of the journey. I hope now it would help to have a courage and now you are full of energy.
I hope you are doing good. I am extremely sorry to hear about the tough times. I must be hard for you. As I myself am in the process for a very long time. Therefore, I can understand how hard it has been for you. Surrogacy has given hope to people like you and me. I to have opted for the process. For me, the financial issue was also a thing that I had to consider. Therefore, when I came across a clinic in Ukraine which offered an economic package. I think it is extremely important to do your research as well. I am so glad that I came across them. Since they are operating at a very professional level. Wishing you luck. Much support and love to your way.
Dear Rose1214, feel so sorry for hearing about your case. Hope you're doing fine with that. I totally understand you, cause I'm in the same boat. I suffer from endometriosis in a neglected form and can't have children by my own. My husband watched my grief and offered to try surrogacy. We decided to do that in Ukraine, cause I have Ukrainian roots and they say it's very cheap to do there. We arrived to the country and visited seven diffirent reproductive clinics in Kyiv, then made our own research and list of advantages and minuses of all of them to make a right choice. If you need to talk, just text me on the email: I'll be free to answer all your questions.