I hope you all are fine. I am not. Really not. I am feeling really devastated. I am just so mad at myself. After all, it's been 4 years now and nothing is happening for us. I just want to know that. How long I have to wait for the natural process before going for something special. I am really worried. Should I start taking treatments now? Should I go for IVF now? What happens if that doesn't work for me too. Where do I go now? What should I do then? Is there some other things that I should try naturally. Please help me, please. I heard about a clinic in Ukraine. It has a very good rate of success. Many friends recommended me that. I am so much worried. Please help me. What should I do? How long till I have to wait. Take care. Thanks in advance.
Infertility: I hope you all are fine. I... - Infertility Support

Hi there I'm sorry for all your troubles. Do you have a local doctor you can see? They can refer you to a specialist in infertiĺity. There are many options. Feel free to message me x
Hello Nina. I hope you are doing fine. I have been going through infertility for the past 10 yaers and until now I have not been able to conceive a baby. It is not just depressing but it has turned my life into a living hell for me. I cannot stop thinking about anything else but the problems that my body has, and I end up feeling useless and defected. I feel like I am abnormal and everyone else is way-way better than me. So, I kinda know what you are going through. I would advise you to stay patient and calm. I do not know how have you been able to wait for a whole 4 years and have not gone for some treatment. You should get yourself checked by a doctor at first. If he allows you, then you should at once proceed for IUI or IVF but from my experience, I find IVF more effective because the whole process is done carefully by experts under their great care. I think IVF would definitely work out very well for you. The main thing about getting these treatments done is the kind of places and doctors you are getting it done from. Try to find some professional help for your treatment to increase its success rate. I hope you get to have the happiness that you are looking for and I wish you the very best of luck for your future.
Hey, Nina, I am extremely sorry to hear about the stuff you are going through. I can feel your distress. It's easy to say that be patient but it is so tough for the person going within. Seeing other people Happy must make be s frustrating. But now the struggle is the part of your story. S you have o be brave.I think if you have tried your best to conceive naturally you should opt for other treatments.Maybe some miracle is waiting to happen.Consult some professional doctors. I suggest you go for IVF treatments. They are so satisfying with highest success rate. Ask doctors about IVF and if it is suitable for you then you should surely go with it. There are a number of good clinics. Do some good research on clinics and doctors because in such cases that is the only important consideration.I personally find IVF compelling because the whole method is discreetly done by specialists under their excellent concentration.I hope you will embrace motherhood soon.Lots of love. Take really good care of yourself.
Hi, hun! You sound a bit in panic. Though unsuccessful ttc for 4 years is pretty long I should say..Sending you much of support.
I've already told my story briefly on another thread, but will do it also here. After unsuccessful years ttc we applied for help to a fertility clinic. They found out the issue was luteal phase defect and my ripe age. Dh was/is normal. As the priority of the clinic was using own eggs for ivf, they advised us going this route. Though we were given only 10% verdict of conceiving with oe. But we though we couldn't afford cycles with that low chances and moved forward with egg donation. Our 1st shot was bfn. But the next one brought us twin pregnancy. I've never regreted about using donor eggs for the procedure as I love my children as much as I can. We have only positive experience with the clinic and the process. Even if I could go back and fix it so I could have genetic children I wouldn't. I have the children I was meant to have. I do wish our next cycle would work for a sibling though it's another emotional rollercoaster. But we're in this game.
And as far as your body produces healthy eggs you can count on a cycle with own genetic material. We are not experts here and can only support and share experience. The most important part of the job depends on fertility experts and clinic you're with. We've chosen Ukrainian one because we're confident with the place so are here again for another de ivf cycle.
The very first step which is to be done - referral to a fertility specialist for testings and issue(s) investigation. Only then you'll be advised the most suitable options for you. Each start is hard - you have to cope and go on. Feel free to message me if there are any questions. Sending you huge hugs
Hi, ninaharrison! I'm so so sorry you're feeling like that. I'd recommend you to see your GP. They will look at your medical history and give you a physical examination.
They may also recommend some lifestyle changes to help fertility.
Unless there are reasons that may put you at high risk of infertility, you'll usually be considered for infertility investigations and treatment.
If appropriate, your GP can refer you to a fertility specialist at an NHS hospital or fertility clinic.
He/she will ask about your fertility history. He/she may carry out a physical examination. You may have tests to check the levels of hormones in your blood. Also how well your ovaries are working. You may also have an ultrasound scan or X-ray to see if there are any blockages or structural problems. Your partner may be asked for a semen sample to test sperm quality.
If IVF is the best treatment for you, the specialist will refer you to an assisted conception unit.
Once you're accepted for treatment at the assisted conception unit, you and your partner will have blood tests for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and to check if you're immune to rubella. Your cervical screening tests should also be up to date.
The specialist will investigate the amount of eggs in your body and their quality (your ovarian reserve) to estimate how your ovaries will respond to IVF treatment.
This can be assessed by measuring AMH in your blood, or by counting the number of egg-containing follicles, using a vaginal ultrasound scan.
Your specialist will then discuss your treatment plan with you in detail and talk to you about any support or guidance you may find helpful.
This is the possible continuation. But it all depends on the case. Hope this helps to get some insight into what should be expected. Sending you much of love and support. Please, do get started soon. Huge hugs, hun xx
I suppose you should investiagte things well first. One can apply for fertility expert's help after a year of unsuccessful ttc. So it's just time. If you're considering ivf, you know, usually it takes about four to six weeks to complete one cycle of ivf. You have to wait a few weeks for your eggs to mature. Then you and your partner spend about half a day at your doctor's office or clinic having your eggs retrieved and fertilized. You have to go back again three to five days later to have the embryos inserted into your uterus. Among the benefits of ivf: Successful track record.
No link to cancer. Improved techniques. Researchers continue to refine and improve IVF procedures (Ivf pregnancy rates that are about the same for frozen and fresh embryos.) Though ivf may be costly and time-consuming. Fertilizing your eggs outside of your body requires costly lab work and medications. Monitoring your response to fertility drugs also requires a lot of time, with frequent trips to the doctor's office for blood tests and ultrasounds. So here one should be aware of the best place/country to opt. I wouldn't definitely speak about surrogacy at this stage as you don't know anything on the point of issues. Go to a good dr first. Let him find out the reasons.
I know it is devastating to realize that there might be a problem with your fertility that is causing longer you to conceive. Did you go to a doctor? Because the right treatment and diagnosis ultimately will lead you to a better life. Age plays an important role in your fertility. Because the ovarian reserve tends to reduce with age. Therefore, the conception takes longer. Assisted conception like IVF, ICIS or IUI is suggested to those who can conceive naturally. I think its time that you consult with a fertility doctor to determine your chance of conceiving. If assisted conception fails, then you can go for surrogacy. There are great clinics in Europe. Make sure not to go and trust like Adoin s and Lotus clinics.
I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Believe me I'm very frustrated myself. My husband and I are both in our early 30's. We’ve been trying for about 4 years. I always thought that it'll only take me one month and I'll be good to go. But that was not the case. We had so many fertility treatments. We went through 3 failed ivf. But we are still at the same place from which we started. It also doesn't help when everyone around is having kids. Moreover family members keep asking you when you're having a baby. Try not to lose your faith in God. I think God works in mysterious ways and it'll happen when you least expect it. I woke up depressed this morning, but I don't want to let myself get to that level. I will keep trying and see what happens.