My son fell 15 ft and hit his head & back on the bottom of a ladder. He had brain fluid swelling and 6 fractured ribs. The drs. did brain surgery to remove fluid causing brain swelling. He has been in a coma 8 days and is just beginning to wake up some, looking at people and moving a bit. He was unresponsive for a week until drs said his kidneys were not working well, keeping toxins and meds in his system and did dialysis. Then rather suddenly, he started waking up a bit, looking around at people and moving a bit. I live several states away. My grandson there has been taking care of everything and did not want me to fly down immediately as it would just complicate things. And now I am fighting a severe head cold so cannot go visit him in the hospital. It's very hard to go through this so far away, relying on calls and texts for updates on his condition. What experiences have others had with partial waking up from a coma and what was their progress in healing?
coma from fall, brain surgery for swelling - ICUsteps
coma from fall, brain surgery for swelling

everyone is different and individual in their response and waking from an induced coma. My brother came round slowly and it was around a month from being placed in induced coma to starting to come round. I hope the best for your son’s recovery. Perhaps you can talk to him if a relative or nurse can bring a phone to him as your voice will be a comfort even if he is unable to respond. We did this with my brother talking to him and reassuring him everything from the football results to telling him about the activities of his two children. We were fortunate in that my brother made a good recovery and 8 years on in in good health. He was young and fit before his critical illness that came from nowhere. Wishing your son a good recovery. I will post a link up our family story here as it may help you to see this.
Here is the link to our family story and you will find lots of information at this website.
what you describe is fairly normal. It is great that he is starting to respond. Recovery takes a long, long time. I hope he continues to improve