I've been home after having covid pneumonia and bring in CCU since 30th December. My vitamin D was in my boots, that's now sorted. I'm really struggling with the cognitive side, I can't think of words or phrases, forget things, I've ordered things that are wrong and the list goes on.... Has anyone else suffered? Thanks
Long covid and cognitive problems: I've been home... - ICUsteps
Long covid and cognitive problems

Cognitive dysfunction or brain fog is a common legacy of critical illness.
I have to write everything down now so I don’t forget it. If an idea occurs to me, I have to ask the question or it disappears into the ether.
I had to slowly increase the challenges that I imposed on my brain. My vocabulary has improved, I still search for words I can’t recall, I forget names etc etc - but it does improve
Thank you for the reply. I have fibromyalgia so I was used to a certain amount of forgetfulness but this amount started to concern me... Glad to hear it does improve with time. I'll keep challenging myself
I found reading ( which I loved) very difficult - numbers ( which I hated) became my friend - soduku for instance
hi. The cognitive issues are common and I am totally with you! Post ICU / covid last April I am sharing the difficulties you describe. You might find some helpful info in the attached link?
I run a Zoom support group for people who have been in ICU. Most of us, (because of the timing,) were in with covid. You are more than welcome to join us. It is this Wednesday at 7pm. If you want to do this, pls DM me your email address and i will send you all the details. I am also happy to chat with you about my experience of cognitive issues in the last 11 months if you want.
Best wishes and know you are not the only one dealing with this. cheers Pete
Hi Pete, thanks so much for your reply. Really appreciate it. Such a shame you haven't had much help out support. I'm already in a zoom group which is local to be for ICU but appreciate the offer greatly. Thank you for the link too. Heather
Yeah me and suffering terrible nightmares
I’m exhausted with it all