My mom has been on a ventilator for 2 weeks now. They tried to wean her off sedation everyday but she only lasts 1-2 hours until her heart rate goes up to 130s. 3 days ago, they noticed that she did not make small movements of her arms and legs like they used to. They consulted with a neurologist and they ordered a CT scan and EEG of her brain. They found out that she had a stroke on her cerebellum. Unfortunately the CT scan view is limited. An MRI will let us know more about the extent of the stroke but we are unable to do that at this time because she still has covid. The neurologist did say she is not brain dead and she is not having seizures which is a good sign. Unfortunately we cannot do anything else at this point. Yesterday, they were able to take off mom's sedation for 8 hours! I was really happy and thought she's moving in the right direction. She still did not open her eyes but only responds to pain, her pupils react to light, and she has gag reflex.
I just got off the phone with the intensivist and basically he's saying that mom not waking up/opening her eyes is not a good sign and was not giving us much hope. I've seen some stories here and other websites of covid ventilator patients taking time to wake up from a coma so I asked the doctor to please give my mother more time. They've only aggressively tried to wean her off in the past few days and until now she's on a continuous drip of sedation and pain medication (propofol and fentanyl).
For those who experienced or had family members who were on a ventilator with covid, once the sedation and pain medications were turned off. How long did it take for them to open their eyes? It seems like the doctor is pointing us towards the direction of giving up but I'm still praying and hoping for a miracle in my mom's life.