My Mom has been awake for a few days and off sedation. She responds when I FaceTime her but I know my Mom and she seems confused and sometimes out of it. Is this normal and how long will it take for her to become totally aware again? Im praying this isn't permanent.
My Mom was in a medically induced coma and on a V... - ICUsteps
My Mom was in a medically induced coma and on a Ventilator for 4 weeks because of COVID-19.

Follow this link and double click on the icu delirium pdf - I think you will find a lot of comfort from this pamphlet.
Yes it has been reported that covid patients suffer some sort of confusion after coming out of coma.
ICU delirium is common in about 50% of patients - many of the legacies of ICU are common to all critical illness. It is possible that a lot of the staff have been sequestered into ICU since the outbreak and maybe not be familiar with post critical care issues - most staff did not recognise I had hypoactive delirium - it was very short lived BUT incredibly confusing because it was more real than real.
Yes it is normal that this happens. My husband was in an induced coma for 57 days and it took him nearly 2 weeks to wake up properly. When i say wake I suppose I mean come around, because although they look awake they are not with it and can be experiencing dlerium from coming off the massive amounts of drugs that they have been on. This delerium can be very unpleasant for them, but gradually eases off. I remeber thinking my husbands persanallity had totalkly changed and I would never get him back, but I did. At this point I remember wanting everything to move quicker than it was, but the recovery is a slow process. You should start to see little differences with your mum though each day and she will get brighter. I'm so glad she is with you again. xxx
Yes, my brother in law was “awake” -eyes open somewhat responding with nodding yes and no, but he was in la la land kinda. Doctors were worried because he seemed so distant. It took 2 weeks after waking up for him to carry a conversation and act like himself.