My dad (aged 64) was recently admitted to the ICU on June 3rd. When he first arrived at the ER after suffering aphasia and impaired memory, the doctors found a lesion on his temporal lobe. Shortly thereafter he suffered a grand mal seizure. After the seizure the doctors were having difficulty getting him to awaken, so they induced a coma. A few days later on June 5th he was weaned from the sedatives. He was talking and laughing, but also seemed confused and agitated. Within a few hours, seizure activity began to show on his EEG so they had to sedate and intubate once more.
The second induced coma has been with a heavier dose of sedatives (Propofol AND Versed) and for an extended period of time. He has also received 8 rounds of radiation treatment while he's been asleep. On June 16th he was fully weaned from Propofol by 8pm. By June 17th he was fully weaned from Versed by 8am. My dad is still intubated and receiving seizure medication. He is able to respond to Doctors asking him to close his eyes hard, but he cannot move his hands or his feet when asked. He teared up when my mom spoke to him as well. As of now, he has not yet had any sign of seizure activity. We are beyond thankful for that!
My question is how long {at the longest} would it take someone to fully "come to" after being sedated for almost two weeks? Is it normal to not be able to move your extremities even though you can tell that he is with us through the blinking? The doctors say that it may take some time for the sedatives to eliminate from his system. He has discolored urine which means there is Propofol present in his body still. Has anyone else experienced having a parent or relative in the ICU in a comatose/sedative state that could provide some discernment/encouragement? Thank you for your insights in advance!