I was in the hospital in December 2017 with strep. sepsis, strep. pneumonia and influenza all at the same time. Also developed an infection around the right lung that required surgery and the insertion of 3 chest tubes. I was in the hospital for close to a month and on iv antibiotics and also a nebulizer. On the day I got my last chest tube removed I was released from the hospital. I had only been off oxygen for 3 days then. My questions is in regards to breathing and the tightness in the chest - how long does it take to improve? My doctor said a minimum of 3 - 6 months or longer and I have now discovered that I am losing my hair - not in clumps but it has gotten very very thin. All this while on Christmas vacation to visit my grandchildren LOL. Any suggestions on how to improve my breathing would be greatly appreciated and I am sure hoping my hair grows back.
Hi I am new here and was seeking some information. - ICUsteps
Hi I am new here and was seeking some information.

Hi there! Hair loss is really common, when your body goes into survival mode, growing hair moves down the pecking order. It will come back I promise and you might go curly or straight, the opposite of your original. My advice? Embrace it and get a pixie crop until it kicks back in. Better that than waking up to a face of loose hairs.
Lungs take a while to heal but if you’re in any pain, speak to your consultant.
Good luck!
Debs x
Hi Debs - thanks so much for your reply. I know that it takes time for healing but I guess for me it is because although I was sick it didn't seem that bad. I felt ok except I couldn't breathe. So now that I am out and it has been 3 months I feel like there should be more improvement than there is. I guess I am just impatient to get back to normal. Thanks again for the reply.
Hi Pat.
First 12 months is physical recovery and next 12 is emotional give or take time in hospital. Be patient, run your own race and let your body heal. You’ve been through a MASSIVE trauma and be under no illusion, what seems like a little illness really isn’t!!!
I had sepsis and other complications and am very lucky to be alive, as are you. Be kind to yourself. I know you want to be better immediately I had the same, but it’s a marathon not a sprint.
You will get there, in time, I promise. I am 2 years since hospital and finally starting to feel more like my old self.
All the best
Debs x
Yes, I had tightness when breathing which has improved with exercise too. I had acid gut for a long time and found myself belching more - as my gut has got back to normal, after antibiotics & feeding tube, that has subsided. I found I needed to pee more frequently and when I needed to go, I needed to go. Flatulence too, oh the joys you remind me about, probably due to having a tube up my arse for 11 weeks.
My nails looked like they were going to shed & my hair fell out - it has grown back, maybe slightly softer. Slow but sure improvement.
hi I had sepsis pneumonia fluid on my lungs (three drains) blood clots . was put in an induced coma for two weeks in hospital for 6&1/2 weeks .that was over 3 years ago still suffering with my breathing had lots of tests and they just keep telling me what is not wrong . so be patient could be a while yet. sorry to worry you but may save you some alarm later if it continues
Hi, flamelil.
I am Portuguese and I also spent December 2017 in hospital, here in Lisbon. I was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, but in two days everything got really bad and they put me in an induced coma for seven days, my blood going through a machine to get oxygen ( I did ECMO - extra corporal machine oxigenation). Septicemy, renal failure and other organs starting to fail as well, vascular clots ... it all was too bad. Finally, my body started answering to the therapy. When they got me out of the coma, I couldn,t move (walk, hold things in my hands, nothing - intensive care muscular weakness).
I was very lucky that I got out of it alive and even more lucky that I had such an exceptional recovery. I still haven't got back to work, but I'm ok and finally starting to feel like myself. In time, I think you will too. I also lost my hair on the back of my head but it is growing. So will yours. Just give it time. And try to feel the pleasure of being alive.
I wish you all the best.
Hi gasparito/
I am glad to hear that you are doing so much better. I am doing fine as well. I still have a cough and losing hair still but mostly don't feel bad. I have had some test on my heart to make sure that there is no damage and should be getting those results soon.
It is amazing how strong our bodies can be. Thankfully we survived and will eventually be back to our normal selves.
All the best to you and take care of yourself.