I suffered from ARDS AND sepsis in February. I was in ICU for weeks. I was on a ventilator and woke up without use of anything. I had lots of therapy and I am walking again. I still get very dizzy and I have a hard time catching my breath when doing any activity. I have some kidney damage and I am in the process of seeing a Nephrologist. I never feel good anymore. A couple weeks ago I started losing my hair and I am scared to death. Is this normal? My hair has always been important to me. Today I cleaned my brush of hair 3 times. My hair is long and I am going to get it cut. I am scared to death of going bald. I have nightmares of things that happened in the ICU. How do I get through this hair loss. My doctor said nothing to me about losing my hair. I do not want to be bald.
ARDS and Hair Loss: I suffered from ARDS AND... - ICUsteps
ARDS and Hair Loss

Hi Patty58
I had a very similar experience to you. Bearing in mind how ill we both have been, it is strange how loosing your hair is so disturbing. If you go on line and put in chronic hair loss after critical care - you'll see how common it is.
I was encouraged to brush my hair - this would stimulate growth, I also take a multivitamin to help. I can't remember which mineral or vitamin is good for hair growth - someone else, I'm sure will message you. Although I did lose loads of hair - it has grown back fully and probably softer. There is loads of info on line too. I take a few supplements to rebuild my depleted resources.
Best wishes
I too lost my hair in a similar situation . I was given information from my after care team on the condition called TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM (a type of hair loss). A year on my hair has stopped falling out and grown back thick and healthy. Good luck on your continued recovery .
My thick hair fell out lots and lots but when it returned to begin with it was very curly but now has gone back to pre ICU wavy and thick.
I have learnt over time to be self compassionate and kind to myself, however have times when life is unbearable and need reassurance.
Good luck with everything.
I was advised to get a multivitamin with A,C, B7,B3 and zinc,iron and iodine. Promotes good healthy hair.
I lost my hair too. I would wash my hair and have a clump of hair in my hands. I stopped brushing my hair and my hair grow back. Just how it was before I got sick. Hang in there I'm a survivor for 17 years now
Patty thank you for your post I just got out of the hospital in February of this year. I see your post was two years ago. I also was in a coma with ARDS in January. When I read your post I thought maybe I already wrote mine and forgot (coma memory) it was exactly what I wanted to say and ask. I am walking and talking and feeling almost normal 2 months out but still do too much some days and my body reminds me I need to go slower. Now my hair is falling out ALOT. The nightmares from the coma have subsided but if you see this I’d love to know how things worked out for you. I am still in the beginning of my journey. Thankful to be here but some days I’m scared. Right now I have a cold and even that scares me. Would love some encouragement or kind advice. Thanks, k
I am on a similar timeline as you although I had double pneumonia. I was in an induced coma for over a week and had many complications. Luckily I have not had post coma nightmares but I do have the hair loss. Lots and lots of hair loss. And it’s scary. Went to the doctor today and was told it is a result of the trauma to my body that occurred 2-3 months ago. The hair follicles go dormant. Luckily this is temporary but it will take up to 12 months for my hair to grow back. In the meantime I’m taking a Biotin and Keratin supplement and started on Minoxidil. Tinted dry shampoo also helps.