Hello, well last night one of my teeth broke and it is very sensitive to say the least. Any advice when speaking to dentist. When I needed some work carried out a couple of years ago, I was told not to go and that was by one of Haematology doctors down here in SW.
dental work: Hello, well last night one... - Hughes Syndrome A...
dental work

I would phone the anticoagulant clinic before you go to the Dentist so you are ready to explain and have the correct medication before you go. I hate going to the dentist, good luck
I think now dentists have probably their own guide lines
My dentist is incredible - of all the medics I've dealt with, she is the most clued up about APS. Last visit I asked her how many APS patients she had, and she told me I was the only one, but she was fascinated with the condition and had done lots of reading about it!
Also, she has many patients on Warfarin, but I am the only one on Heparin, yet her treatment skills were amazing. When she performed extractions on 2 separate occasions, arranging with me what time to do my injection, how to phase the time in and out before and after the procedure, and even opening up the surgery early, and treating me in a colleagues treatment room on their day off, so she could let me relax for half an hour after the tooth was removed and she could check the bleeding/clotting.
Luckily, She has been my family dentist for 25 years, and I am so grateful. This is the one time that I have felt listened to and that I have received genuine 'care' on the NHS.
I wish you a dentist like mine - she looks like a dentist, but is actually an angel in disguise!!
Thank you so much for replying. I will contact ST T where I go as down here there is no continuity, any problems and they get scared.
Hello!! no dentist would go near me for years was kicked out of my life long gp surgery beacaus of this ( had been there longer than the gp haha) now have to go hospital for dentals,
Hi daisy, funny that you mention about the teeth, i was wondering if there is a connection with teeth, i am waiting to have two teeth out that have fractured or broke, having to have it done at the hospital as am on warfarin. This week another tooth broke and cracked. seems to be all on one side of the mouth at this rate will have not teeth left. i was told to brush them lightly and use mouth wash and water it down slight especially if stong one. I did ask my dentist if there was a connection with lupus as too many teeth are having problem with them at around the same time. She said there could be because it being an autoimmune condition. Good luck. Hosptial 19th cant wait to get them removed only been waiting 6 months, have to get my inr check the morning before i go to have procedure done,
I have had two root canal fillings done, with no adjustment to my warfarin and no bleeding issues. Dentist didn't bat an eyelid when he was told my condition. I have had two extractions, one under anesthetic which they asked me to go on heparin for three days before. Again so problems. One done by a dreadful dentist in the chair where I had terrible problems when his awful work led to me having what's called an 'empty socket' that was because I didn't clot (although didnt notice bleeding) it was incredibly painful for ages. My regular dentist says it was because of dentist causing the area such trauma, not my condition or being on warfarin. I just find I often need more sedation to numb the area than others. But other than that, I don't worry about the dentist and they certainly don't worry about treating me.
Sorry it posted twice, my phone is dreadful with doing this.! And sorry, where I say so problems, of course I meant no problems xxx
I have a wonderful dentist who deals not only with my APS, but also with my novacaine allergy. I must get preservative free lidocaine compounded at a local pharmacy before drilling can be done. I would just white knuckle it as I did in my youth, but I have since been diagnosed with a latent temporal live seizure disorder, and pain is my seizure trigger.
But my dentist cheerfully works around all my issues and offers me effective and compassionate care. Would that more of my docs had her attitude.

yes to above, your clinic will have been asked these sort of questions before and will have some guidelines for the dentist. Best of luck. Mary F x
Thank you so much ::))
It was good to hear all of the answers - relieved that I went yesterday and this new dentist was brilliant, so calm and talked her way through, whereas my usual gets panicky etc. Have booked to see her again in 3 weeks time but unfortunately she leaves in August. I measured my INR and it was 3.6 and she said they work to 4.0 but I am annoyed because the haem department down here said Not to go despite my mouth being uncomfortable. I am going to Orthodontics next week for yearly check due to dry mouth and I have a small lump on tongue which is annoying. I have noticed that the year before last my teeth started to either break etc and wondered whether it was to do with my conditions.
I have never discussed the dentist with any GP or hospital specialist.
My dentist is brilliant, I have her for 20 years and had warfarin for 8. She has done basic fillings, root canals, polishing and extractions.
She was not worried by warfarin for the extraction and she added an anticoagulant into the hole and I had no issues other than those expected.
When she does a local she asks my INR as she wonders if my face will bruise but it never has. In fact I barely bruise no matter what I do.
I would always trust her to make a decision on my teeth over a doctor.