Hi all,
Today I received blood test results back that put my IGg antibodies at 218 instead of the normal 0-10 range. This is the second high result I've had, although the first one -which was over 400- was taken two years ago and followed by a "normal" result 6 weeks later and nothing more was said about it, they said it was probably an infection although I was as well as I ever feel.
My diagnosis currently is chronic migraine (now 6 years, constant 24/7 headache) with restless legs and as part of that my balance is terrible- I walk using crutches/use wheelchair, and can't get far due to fatiguability of the muscles and pain in my legs- I have fatigue, brain fog, pain in my legs, random shooting pains left right and centre.
This third IGg antibody test was sent off after I was sent to Liverpool to be ruled out for Behcets for weird bumps on my shins- as well/instead of bruises- ulcers, joint pain, muscle pain, abdo pain, it was noted on my discharge letter the levedo reticularis around my ankles and on my feet, although I never knew that could mean anything, just thought I was blotchy all over! I have rubbish circulation and my hands and feet are always freezing.
The Rheum who tested me is attached to the Behcets National Centre in Liverpool so he wants me to see a different Rheum or Haematologist (and I've emailed the Hughes foundation to see if they can recommend... I've learnt that without recommendations you end up with someone who has no idea on the thing you've been referred for...!)
My symptoms may well have been worse when I'm on the pill (progesterone only as I have migraines) but I'm not sure if that's related?!
I was wondering if this fitted anyone else's story and if sounds like Hughes? I'm only 21 and I've not had any thrombosis history.
Apologies for the massive ramble!