Does anyone else with Clotting Risk, ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Does anyone else with Clotting Risk, Hughes Syndrome, Antiphospholipid Syndrome have a history of dental problems?

yes - my wife who has APS has soft teath, and sensitive teeth because of meds used to battle with APS
When I had my daughter (25 years ago) all my top teeth crumbled and fell out within weeks, also with each subsequent pregnancy (miscarriages/stillborns) I lost most of my bottom teeth....
Hi. My problems started when I was on Warfarin. I used to bleed from the gums endlessly, no matter what my INR level. It stopped when I came off Warfarin but left me with loose teeth and as a result I have lost 3 teeth in the last 18 months. No further bleeding now i am on Heparin Injections.
hi yes i have aps and since taking warfarin and other meds my teeth have become weak i have had 4 crowns fitted this year and iam still having trouble with it .i find using a high flioride toothpaste helps my dentist gave me duraphat hope this is off help xxx
Hi hon
Yes having loads of trouble with teeth, 3 loose teeth and gums bleeding and receding. Extremely sensitive too!!!
Gentle hugs love Sheena xxxxxx
I have receeding gums,and full of fillings and sensitive/irritating gums
Hi, yes I have endless trouble with bleeding gums, my teeth in the upper jaw, have lost 1 recently, had xrays they show my jaw bone has been eaten away by some disease and my tetth now are just hanging in by mm's of jaw bone so eventually will fall out, very painful from nerve exposure, so far have basically been told to suffer the jaw pain.
Yes I have had and still have trouble with my teeth. I have suffered numerous infections over the past few years. It was my dentist that first noticed that I may have a health problem. I am not sure what relationship teeth have to APS but I am pretty sure there is a definate link. I try to maintain my oral health and I visit my dentist regulary. I dunno if this helps
Take Care,
Hi my teeth are no great at all. I have had four crowns and just about every tooth is filled! Interestingly, I have tested positive for ANA antibodies and having seen Professor Hughes he has suggested Sjogrens as i had a bone dry Shirmer's eye test. Poor teeth and Sjogrens are linked and Sjogrens and APS are also common together.
not* (sorry about typos, my hands are still sore!!)
My tooth has fallen apart tonight