Hi all - thanks for your advice the other day - I hope what ive found may help others. I contacted my local council and they are sending an officer round from their sensory impairment team due to my eyesight to assess my home, I also can get e free bus pass to travel all around england as my condition has stopped me from driving, and im entitled to use their ring and ride service which is a volunteer service where i pay 20p a mile to get to urgent appts. The team can also help with form filling for dla. I contacted shropshire diability.net and they were very helpful. thanks again x
DLA: Hi all - thanks for your advice... - Hughes Syndrome A...
This is all great, form filling is always a wind up and I seem to remember that DLA is very long, really pleased for you. Dial up bus sounds reasonable, here we have demand responsive transport which is similar for use by all, anything that gets us from A to B is great, although here, nothing reaches the hospital, and has not done so for years. Good luck with it all it all sounds really positive. M x
Hi Emma i am really glad that the services helpped you not many people know about the local disability services they are great. We have a similer bus service down here its call Dial a ride you have to book a week in advance but hey all helps and good luck if you want any more help let us know
Hi Emmaj
Sounds like you've got some good support there. Most Local Authorities have great services, if you contact the Occupational therapy part of social services it can open a floodgate of help.
good luck
Sharon x