How many of us has this rash? I have it extensively on my arms and face and trunk and it flairs on my legs.....
Livedo Rash?: How many of us has this... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Livedo Rash?

Hi hon,
I do mainly on legs and inside of forearms, can be fairly faint some times, right through to pretty heavy!
Hope you feeling ok today.
Take care gentle hugs love Sheena xxxxxx
I've had it from head to toe since I was a child. My parents could almost judge what kind of a day I was having by my shade of red. Combined with natural freckles, I was quite a dotted site, literally from head to toe. Sun seemed to have more of a direct effect then (as a child) than now. I don't even bother covering it. I stick with Oil of Olay SPF35 for my face and arms and I avoid the sun whenever possible.
Hi there, I have what is called palmar livido reticularis. I've had it for years on both hands, and I'm not sure about my feet. It also appears on my face, mostly my cheeks. Iniatially this was diagnosed in 1997 as a sure sign of lupus by a dermatologist. As APS often times micmics lupus or we can have both, it's difficult to say what is going on. It would be about eight years before APS would become a final diagnosis.
I've been on warfarin, range 2. to 3. since 2005. It is not at all unusual for my dosage to change from day to day. Currently, I'm on 2mg very day and 3mg on Thursday. I seem to stay in range for about two months with a monthly INR/Protime and then something happens and it's back to INRs weekly again with dosage modifications. I am more afraid of more clots than a bleedout. I prefer my INR to be abit on the high side of 2.5 to 3.or even 3.5. For some reason I am usually on pediatric doses of meds. I know many people take much larger amounts of warfarin/coumiden than I do. I'm just happy they've found a range that seems to work for the most part.
Best Wishes and Stay Well, even when we're not.
I have livedo reticularis on my thighs, stomach and arms. Sometimes it's lighter and other times darker but sun exposure doesn't seem to change it. When I'm cold it seems to show more.
I have livedo on arms legs and body! the cold enhances it! This was the diagnosis of GP sent me to a dermatologist who told me in his French accent 'you have a disease' he wrote there and then to my gp and gave me the letter to give to him saying to start me on aspirin straight away as I had an autoimmune condition and to send me for blood work.....which he did and hey presto!!!! the rest is history!!!! vive la france!!!
Hi i have livedo on my legs and arms and very strong one in my lower back. Its so strong it looks purple and it hurts so bad, sometimes i cant even walk. I cant even stand when my dr touches my back to see how its going. I hope none of you go through this.
I have livedo on my legs and feet which are quite bad. Its show up more on my arms when i am cold etc, I stick to wearing trousers because of it. can remeber the last time i wore a skirt or dress.
I've had it since was a teenager, on legs and arms - but it does come and go. Can remember being embarrassed to wear bathing suit way back then because it would be so noticeable. Doctors have never paid any attention to it, even with my APS primary diagnosis.
Mine is only over my knees and ankles. It improved after starting anticoagulation. Now I can only notice it during cold or when taking a hot bath when my knees/ankles are still not covered by the hot water (so they are cold relative to the rest of my body)
I have it quite badly on my legs and I also get it on my arms. Prof. Khamashta asked if I minded showing it to some colleagues of his as it was so bad. Just my luck only claim to fame is that I have legs that look like corned beef!