Eye Problems: Because of the TIA's I... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Eye Problems

anje profile image
7 Replies

Because of the TIA's I have my eyes tested once a year. At a recent test I told the optician that I sometimes see bright electric blue dots mainly in the right eye. She says worse case scenario it could be a tear at the back of the eye, but on examination everything is okay in both eyes. She gave me a letter for my GP and he has arranged for me to go to Moorfields Eye Clinic next week. GP thinks it's probably due to the migraine. 2 CTbrain scans were normal. Does anyone ever get the feeling that you are imagining these odd symptoms.

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anje profile image
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7 Replies
MaryF profile image

Hello, I think we all probably get that, but may I commend you on your excellent care... the GP is sending you to the best place for eyes, if there is anything to be checked and found it will be there! Good on your optician as well as the GP! Mary F x

CanaryDiamond10 profile image

I was in the habit of an opthalmologist (not optomitrist) visit for Plaquenel every 6 months as a screen for color blindness or diminished sight as a side effect of Plaquenel. Although, Plaquenel was not effective for me it was felt it would be a good idea to keep up an annual opthalmologist appointment. I did and sure enough in one year's time I had cataracts in both eyes and diminished eye sight in one eye. I have to have them both attended to. They will not commit as to what the cause is. I'm hearing the "age of 60" as a cause for everything too much lately. It's really beginning to perturb me. Just because I turned 60 this year does not give these doctors, (most of them I truly love as they have been tending me many, many years) the right to blame all on my age! I also happen to have bladder cancer and when I went for my bladder check, (9 months no return..yippee!) the urologist made a comment on my age and although I did not say anything (being in a compromising position and wanting to make the most of my appointment and stay on topic) but I could have really given him a piece of my mind! I had to restrain myself. Last year I wasn't 60 and no one mentioned my age when a new symptom came up. It could be by patience is very short with this prolonged heat wave. Even in air conditioning I feel like I have been so swollen and achy for so long that I could go a few rounds in the ring! It's one of those times when I know I have to raise my opiate pain meds and I don't like having to do that. Then I am not only trapped by the heat, but I make it a habit not to drive nor do anything of consequence at times I am that medicated. Mostly, I sleep anyway. Which is one of the reasons I don't like to do it. Life is short and I'd like to participate!

Not sleep it away.

GinaD profile image

TIAa/mini strokes/migraines before I was diagnosed have left me with a permanant -- albeit shrinking-- hole in my visual cortex. The brain is very good at filling in what it presumes is there so this hole is not usually discernable. It was discovered in the first place when an opthamologist did a "visual field test" wherein you push the button when you see a light. The follow up test done after diagnosis and warfarin was started confirmed the hole was shrinking.

But the hole is still there and sometimes I can see him. I call him my "psychadelic gummy worm" because thats what "he" looks like (I anthrapamorphize everything.)

If my INR dips or if I have a fever then "he" fades into view as he runs through his psychadelic colors -- neon blue, neon green, school bus yellow, bright orange.

And I have cataracts too -- (age 57) but mine are indeed caused by age, as are the black "floaters" I have which float around my eye. (Floaters can move about within your range of vision; holes in the visual cortex do not. My gummy worm is located at about 190 degrees, rotating clockwise from the top.) My opthamologist is glad that I reported problems seeing at night in the rain as that allowed him to check and find the cataract. Insurance companies require that the cataract to be developing for at least 18 months before they will reimburse laser surgery. So . . .when that cataract (I haven't named him -- should I?) gets large enough to cause problems (other then driving in the rain at night which I refuse now to do,) I should be ready to nix him (her? Am I exhibiting gender bias by seeing these bad things as masculine? -- anybody have any naming suggestions for my cataract?)


Eliza_E profile image

I get the excat same tHing - they appear for a fraction of a second then go again, usually when I'm tired, under duress/stress (most of the time) - had a srtoke 2 years ago

anje profile image
anje in reply to Eliza_E

I'm glad I'm not alone then. This is exactly what happens to me. This week I saw a specialist at Moorfields Eye Clinic. The first doctor said she had never heard of electric blue dots before the eyes. However, the consultant had and says it's due to my vascular disease. Nothing can be done, so I will just have to live with it like all the other odd symptoms we get.

CanaryDiamond10 profile image

Gina. If you had two cataract you could name them Winkin, Blinkin and then Nod. Naming your cataracts certainly provided for a laughable day in our family. The above is a nursery rhyme that is probably English in origin, but it did occur to me you never heard of it and so I explain it is a nursery rhyme that none of my family can remember the rest of. I didn't know about the insurance mandate of cataract developing 18 mo. I will have to investigate if it is the same here. Also, did it fix night time driving? I am avoiding it as the lights coming at me from the other direction have begun to distract and cause an occasional, quick, flash of white light We all thank you for starting our day out with laughs. Don't worry, I won't follow the "white light" quite yet.

anje profile image

I don't drive so that's not a problem Went to Moorfields Eye Clinic this week. Interesting as the first doctor I saw had never heard of electric blue dots in the eyes. However, the consultant had and thinks it's due to my vascular disease. Also my eyes are showing early signs of atherosclerosis. Not a surprise as that condition crops up in my mothers family as well. Just have to live with it.

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