I have a really painful lumar, tests reveal gaps at the bottom of my spine, really confused, urgh spitting teeth
I have a really painful lumar, tests reveal gaps at the bottom of my spine, really confused, urgh spitting teeth
I found several sites on line, here is one of them.
Good luck and I will say a prayer also.
Hi I also have this in lumbar and cervical......it is as it says.....degenerative disease........there is loads of it on the web......do a search......basically it is either bone or disc .....the gaps between the bone grow smaller and trap nerves causing pain! it happens to every one as they age but obviously if you have arthritis it happens faster! depends how bad it is but there are several options from just normal pain killer to injections and last resort surgery.....which I do not reccomend having had this in my neck!!!!!! Hope thats help although that is a very basic explanation! I go to physio or a good osteopath can help!
Yes, I have degenerative disc disease too, but mine affects the neck rather than back. Apparently, a lot of people will have it over 40 (I was diagnosed at 41 - great!) but if you have an injury it will exacerbate it. I had a whiplash injury and have had a trapped ulnar nerve - now permanently damaged so i have no feeling in part of my right hand, and recently the left radial nerve has been trapped so I have a numb patch on my left hand too now. No way of telling when it will start to collapse so my advice is make the most of the times it behaves itself - I was skiing last February and felt fine However, only last month I was laid up a week in bed with it - the nerve pain is the worst pain I've ever had and that includes the TIA and collapsed lung. One of the doctors said she's seen huge rugby players crippled with it and in tears - nasty things nerves. Good luck!