My mum has crohns disease she was saying its an auto immune condition now i have Hughes syndrome and show lot of signs for crohns so just wondered really as having lot problems with my tummy x
is Hughes syndrome and crohn's diseas... - Hughes Syndrome A...
is Hughes syndrome and crohn's disease linked ?

I havnt thought it was linked? a lot of the auto immune disordrs are so similar tho'......I know a lot of us on here have pronblems with our tums too & eating.
If you are getting similar symptoms to your mum tho' iot may be worth asking to be tested for it too?
Myself I have moments where I can eat fine one day then have terible stomach cramps the next!
I cant seem to keep the weight off either....& I hardly eat!!!
Hope you are ok today, hope to hear more about you, Sue x
Thx sue yeah im like that i can eat fine one day then just cant another and i found that i keep bleedin when i go toilet its doing my nut in lol its hard to determain whats down to our condition n whats nout to do with it isnt it well thx for advice i appreciate it x
Hi hon
Welcome and glad you found us. So sorry to hear of your loss, that must have been horrendous.
I don't have Crohns, but my son who has Autism May have and I suspect other autoimmune conditions.
I have Gerd (acid reflux) and a hernia. Do also have other problems with stomach. Makes you wonder how much is due to our dodgy immune systems.
I have met up with suzipawz, it is so nice to be with someone who really understands how we feel. I have made some great online friends here, so I'm sure will you.
I hope this makes sense, cos horrid brain fog.
Take care gentle hugs love sheena xxxxxx
I am new to APS and have had many digestive track problems through the years. It seems as though many autoimmune diseases are linked somehow, but wonder if it is possible your mom was misdiagnosed? It seems as though Hughes has so many symptoms experienced differently by everyone that it is often misdiagnosed as another disease that it mimics. makes me wonder.
First of all i want to say thx for all ure replys everyone is so nice on here and my inr its bad to say really i was diagnosed with hughes syndrme just over 3 yr ago and i never have it checked the drs seem to just leave me really x
an INR test is used to monitor the level of warfarin in your system. If your are not on this drug the test isnt important.
Are you on anti-coagulation?
Im alergic to warfrin so i take clopidogrel same sorta thng really x
So its Plavix you're on then?
I dont know a lot about this I have to admit, but I would feel safer at a higher inr, but you dont need to be tested with this then?
I wonder if the bleeding may be a side effect of Plavix?
I still would mention it to your docs, I hope you're ok today xx
Yeah its doing ma head in now gurtin at wierdest times oh well see wot dr has t say n yeah im not bad taa x