I am on warfarin so had my INR Checked due to spontaneous bleeding into joints of hand/wrist. It was 4 so only slightly elevated. I have APLS and now extensive OA in hands, knees and ankles. GP dismissive but have had FBC and blood tests for a battery of things last week. Anyone else suffered the same symptoms and how were they managed?
spontaneous bleeds into joints of fin... - Hughes Syndrome A...
spontaneous bleeds into joints of fingers/hands/wrist

Hi Yodel,
Sorry but I do not know what OA and FBC means.
Can you still handle the INR with the Coaguchek XS? I know you wrote before you had a therapeutic range of 3.5 - 4.0.
I had to change to another machine as the difference between the vein and the fingerprick values was too big. It is the veinvalue that always counts. If you had an INR of 4.0 would you say that was elevated?
I have the same therapeutic range as you and I usually try to be on the higher level like 4.0. If the INR goes below 3.5 I have to take a Fragmin shot . I selftest very often myself.
I’ve only been diagnosed as x3 positive recently but have currently and had in the past spontaneous bruising and sprains with or without hard lumps that the GP/Nurse Practitioners always treated me like a lunatic and said I couldn’t possibly have woken up with them. But I did. No action taken except they probably put on my notes that I’m nuts! Good luck with getting help. Be interesting to see how they treat you, if at all.
yes blood thinners , I have had under skin bruising . In spotted lines ( weird ) and patches on arms . But normal knock bruise not so bad ? Heamo specialist team said yes blood thinners do that . If tiny ok big not . My G P surgery thinks I am a ( person who imagines sickness takes lots of meds , I forgot the name ) 😂 my new G P only talk on phone as I love remote surgery . Hate going in .
Has Insisted I come in for face to face . Wants to meet?! Things I am bat sh.t crazy . I have to bring her up to APS Crazy . Must not have met APS overlapping with Sjrogens , sugar intolerant not diabetic , osteo arthritis , allergy sinus with skin condition . ( APS related) my brain seems to be intact . So far 😂

may I ask how the physician determined they were spontaneous bleeds?
Arthritis can cause swelling, which could bruise due to inflammation/ tissue damage and cause a bit more bruising if on warfarin. I have had this also with elbows ( due to RA) and soft tissues above ankles due to Sjögren’s.
My rheumatologist die not get too alarmed- the swelling / bruising is mild. He said you are already on all the medication/ biologics that are appropriate for the diseases you have.
I am given solumedrol IM injections to control a flare.
Kelly , can I ask please , what were your symptoms with Sjrogens ? (My G P said can overlap with APS . ) was it diagnosed with blood test .
My G P tried to refer me to rheumatologist, for test but he rejected me said only treated lupus ?
My Haematologist said does not test for Sjrogens only APS .
(This is the normal NHS Bounce around ) haha 😂
Where you say below
‘Nsolumedrol IM injections to control a flare.’ A flare of what ? Symptoms ?
Getting treatment for Sjrogens on NHS is like asking for rocket science info 😂.
Professor Graham Hughes APS God , said at even I attended , if G P s knew more about APS , it would help be the key to so many unexplained symptoms . It is so true. testify 🤲

Hiya not had this, but as well as your GP have you been in touch with your main consultant? Your GP may need guidance from your consultant! MaryF
APS is a tricky thing, I get this quite a lot but it varies so much; The worst one I had was in my elbow joint (my elbow completely locked when I bent it and I had to have the blood syringed out of the joint and spent the night in the hospital) and it was 4.3 when that happened. This was about 25 years ago. Thankfully it hasn't been as bad as that but I will get random bleeding at times when it is just above 4 (my TR is 3.5 -4), but sometimes get absolutely nothing when it's as high as 6. You need to discuss with your consultant as MaryF has said, because of the OA, maybe your veins are getting squished causing the veins to pop (this is generally what happens with me).
I don't know if this is the same but small veins in my fingers swell and pop and then I get a bruise. Normally when I'm doing a lot of housework like pulling on windows or hauling about heavy pans. It doesn't always happen either. I've had about three episodes. Getting them at the moment and I've no idea why. I'm 1 x APS positive and take clopidogrel, but got this before being diagnosed or taking medicine. I find if I can catch it when I feel the sharp pain and swelling, and rub it, it normally cuts down on bruising. I've been wondering if it's age related or lupus related.
How do you know bleeding into joints ?