So now I really don't know what to do I've had my first and my second is overdue because there is so much confusion! What have all you other APS folk done please ?
Help I'm confused!: So now I really don... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Help I'm confused!

Hiya, this must be a decision made between your GP and your main specialist, this is what I have done, we are due our second jabs today with all of those people involved in the decision, as every person is different. Best of luck to you. MaryF
Thanks Mary, hope it goes well ! My GP really is not helpful because he doesn't really know I suppose! I think I will just have to bite the bullet and get on with it !
I had the Pfizer vaccine which I was advised to have I was very apprehensive about any of the vaccines but was reassured from doctors, Warfarin clinic etc that I was ok to have the Pfizer
I had my second Pfizer jab last week. No issues first jab. Second jab felt tired for 2 days but I had been moving half a ton of bricks from front to back garden. INR did increase a little first jab. No issues second jab. Job done. I’d also done a lot of research and weighed up odds. Also been taking multivitamin fizzy tablets for last year. And home made chicken soup.
I have APS and lupus and am on triple immunosuppressants I had the Pfizer vaccine 1st one back in December and 2nd one 3 weeks later. I'm 42 years old I had it early as I'm a nurse and got in with the 3 wk gap just b4 they announced that they were extending the gap.I'm only on clopidogrel not warfarin.
I was absolutely fine, though I was expecting to get ill as I usually have a couple of days of 'flu' like illness after having the flu vaccine (impossible I know! As it's not live!)
My colleagues all fit and healthy did become unwell for 24hrs after the 2nd dose with fever and joint pain ironic really that the lupus patient is fine!!
As far as it being given late all u can do now is get it done as soon as u can once u have decided if to have it.
Drs cannot tell you to have it or not they can only give u the information that is out there for u to make an informed decision. At the end of the day its patient choice and as long as u know the facts (well the only facts we have!) Its up to us to make that choice.
Hi ,I had AZ in march then was told can't have second dose ,so had Phizer on Friday. Wasn't so well day after with joint pain etc. but fine now. Hope it goes well for you .All the best Elfie
Hi, such a dilemma..
I had first AZ 14 weeks ago. Every side effect in the book for 10 days then a good day then it started again for a week, could barely function. Knife like pain right lung couldn't breathe in or lie down..
Had to use 2 inhalers which I only usually use aug/September. Pollen.. Gp did D
Dimer, said ok. INR 4.8, didn't have scan or platelets checked....10 weeks in total before I felt well. The last month I've just been exhausted all the time... consultant says no to second dose.... had eye problem. Hearing in right ear kept fading in and out. Oh everything was going on
To suggested Pfizer yet there are no completed trials with evidence in Lancet saying worse systemic effects mixing as and Pfizer. Terrified of introducing a second Az dose and going into complete systemic inflammatory response again. Yet terrified of covid. Asthma bronchiectasis raynauds parathyroid disease arthritis etc etc. Just in tears with it all. Feel both are far from ideal
Oh Cinn I'm so sorry 😞, that's absolutely rotten, what choices !I completely sympathise with you as Im 99% certain the first one threw me into the flare I'm still in : months later ! I really hope you feel better soon !
My first AZ jab was pretty horrendous for about 24 hours with bad neck pain, headache and general bone pain. I was also sick so missed a dose of warfarin. I had fatigue for about 4 days, metallic taste and then gradually grew better, it took about a week in all.
I was dubious and fearful about the second jab but it went well, no pain anywhere or sickness, slight fatigue but that is all, never even had a spot on my arm!
I filled out the "yellow card" scheme on GOV. UK to report my first jab reactions.
My INR was low after the first but expected that after missing a day but there has been no problem with INR after the second jab as I remained quite well.
Better that than dealing with Covid.
I have had both of mine.
AZ Donna ? No issues?
I’ve had both vaccines via Pfizer.
I had Pfizer for both doses. No issue but a sore arm after the first one. Fever, chills, backache after the second, for about 36 hours and nothing else. Risk/benefit analysis says get vaccinated.
Seriously, so little is known about APLS by the vast majority of drs. So I wouldn't expect them to know about the vaccines. I do know that if I got Covid, I'd be in big trouble.