I feel like there is so many dramatic questions being asked that this is silly. But I’m getting stuck on how to handle of my vegetable intake. Vegetables are the main part of my diet and I know I have to do a lot of adjusting. I must not be doing very well because from one week to the next my INR number is can go up or down quite a few points. Is your suggestionEating vegetables every day? We’re trying to keep away from them?
Vegetables: I feel like there is so... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hiya a lot of people have found 'Eat on Warfarin by Cath Atkin very useful, she is on Warfarin and wrote the book around that. MaryF
Depends on the vegetable. Some will raise INR, some will lower it. When I first starter warfarin, decades ago, my prescribing hematologist suggested I keep a food, beverage and activity journal. He predicted such a journal would teach me how to keep a healthy diet which also allows for stable INR. He also suggested i " drink by the clock" as fluctuating hydration levels also results in changes in blood viscosity. And here I willadd my physician Father's advice: " Drink water ! sodas, juices, etc -are fine occasionally, but your usual drink should be water. That's what your body asks for."
Yes! Yes and yes and yes!
Think of greens as necessary for your body and like medication. ( a regulator, and a booster, and decreasing agent for the inr. )
I can’t agree with Mary’s suggestion enough.
Think of greens as a “base line.”
Do the same think at roughly the same time every evening . Adjust up or down according to inr. Additional greens ( vitamin k ) will lower the InR. ( In about 12-15 hours.)
Saw a GI doc this week. Despite PEG allergy, given my " first one problem, then the other" GI issues he wants a colonoscopy with an " old fashioned" prep: lots of prune juice. ( Also bridging. ) As he read my most recent blood work he whistled and said with my highHCL #s " you will never have a heart attack! You diet must be wonderful!" I responded, " Water. I drink water." " Thats probably a big part of it."
What great news- I always need reminders to do better in this department!
I tend to do better getting the wet stuff down if it’s in the form of hot tea- so I try keeping the kettle going in the evening for herbal peppermint / seven blossoms “siete azahares” combo.
( a nice tradition we have from Mexico here in Texas.)
I also can be seen quite often with a Topo Chico bottle in hand. ( naturally sparkling water from the foothills of the topo chico volcano area in Mexico .)
But it takes effort for me to actually remember to do it. It’s a down fall I have...
I don’t like just plain water... how weird am I! It upsets my tummy. Especially if it’s from a city source - not filtered- with chlorine. I cannot do it. I quit drinking it years ago .