Interesting Summary of research aroun... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Interesting Summary of research around blood clots found in Covid-19 patients
So... Conclusion is that covid may jump start activity in those antiphospholipifd antibodies?
I interpret it as Coronavirus seems to have similar manifestations as the virus that causes APS. This has possible implications for its successful management, especially if started early. I am also wondering how many APS patients have contracted Covid-19 and what has been their experience. I am at high risk because my APS has caused micro clots in my lungs and I manage the resulting pulmonary hypertension with drugs.
Is APS caused by a virus initially?
Good question. When I fell ill originally, I had pneumonia and a "mystery" virus and I was put in isolation for five days. I did have pneumonia but I also had several PE that caused the pneumonia. The hospital did many tests but could not ascertain which virus I actually had. After I got out of hospital I never improved and actually got more symptoms and went on a 6mth journey of dr's and tests to get my dx.
I often thought (jokingly) that I was Patient 0 for Corona as I had most of the same symptoms. Headache (migraine), cough, pneumonia, hypoxia, tiredness and a virus,
Maybe a virus can trigger auto-immune disease and some other conditions?
Therefore the corona virus could trigger APS in susceptible people? kind of like gestational APS?
And I sometimes wonder whether we still have a latent virus within us causing autoimmunity, though perhaps that's 'wishful' thinking?
But yes, post viral syndrome seems a rather imprecise term for the kinds of health problems that can be caused by viruses. I've been reading about the 1918 pandemic, and many people developed temporary and lifelong immune problems, low mood, blood issues, heart problems etc. And that's possibly where immune modulating drugs like hydroxy and LDN come in?
Interesting, thanks for putting this on here. MaryF