COVID-19 causes clotting : Hi all! I... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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COVID-19 causes clotting

Annie5678 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all!

I hope all of you are well!

We already knew that COVID-19 causes clotting. But now they decided to give patients preventative blood-thinning agents. So if you get COVID-19 best to regularly check INR as you might need to increase your dosage I guess?

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Annie5678 profile image
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14 Replies
jetjetjet profile image

Hi Ann They usually check my INR every 3 days OR Tues and Fri BUT because of the C-19 and the high risk i am they have pushed it out to once a week -Every Tues. NOW i can test if i need as I have a Series at lab so no paperwork OR orders have to come from doc or Clinic etc. But now i see the worst blood type to have is A and guess what ....BINGO A+ is what i am ..I am very high risk not only because of APS and Blood type or even this new clotting BUT all my other medical issues aren't setting well with it either . So doc's are trying to keep me out of the medical offices altogether.

Annie5678 profile image
Annie5678 in reply to jetjetjet

Hi jetjetjet, indeed probably the best to stay away from any high risk areas!

I just meant that if you would get C-19 (let’s hope not of course!), probably good to keep a close eye on the INR.

I hope you stay healthy!

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to Annie5678

Yes i understood your point- I wish i could finger test B UT because i am a triple positive person i have LA and the tests would be off and i can't afford that as my INR'S are so erratic that i can jump 7 points in just 3 days and i have .a couple of times BUT by testing every 3 days we catch it before it gets to far out of wack and that is the fear now with me .especially going thru over a month of strong Anti-bio-tic's for that very bad leg infection and inflammation problem . So i am a big fan i guess you could call of frequent testing so you would know where you are with your INR not a good time to be low with INR . So agreed and Thank You and Stay Safe All.

WendyWoo50 profile image
WendyWoo50 in reply to jetjetjet

I understand your frustration (did you see my recent post?)

Last month one test was 13 lots of bruising, sent to hospital - Vit k given then Crashed to 3. Next week 16.8. 2ml vit k then crashed to 2.6. Clexane added. Then next 9.3 vit k. Then 2.5...

Makes me so ill this constant swinging!

What this post is about (I think) is making sure we don’t crash ! As this could happen if we have COVID 19.

It’s about being aware of the possibility and checking !

Stay well everyone 💋

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to WendyWoo50

yes i do understand you -- i as you know am just like you accept your range is what ?? trying to wrap my head around the amount you take 16.1 Vit k - they only used it once with me and i was 9.2 on the INR and i took .5 of what i don't remember . my range is 2.5 to 3.5 BUT i have gotten the gal Kim at the Anti Coag clinic NOT to panic if i hoover around 4 .0. In the states or should i say here in NH i have a hard time getting them to keep me as high as i do . And it was a battle with my Hemo Dr Stein- she is what i call my little pit bull Ha .I told her that once and she hesitated and then grinned ??!! You have to catch her in a good mood {and that can change at a drop of her cap or what ever . Ha ha

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to jetjetjet

I had to check BUT you are in the UK .that might explain the diference in amounts . Our Governor in NH just extended our lock down or as he calls a { Stay At Home Order } which means we can + go to the store + medical appt's + Go out for exercise walk the dog ETC. so as long as we are not standing anywhere in groups no more than ten people and are keeping the six foot distance rule we are alright .Beaches are closed at the Ocean and fresh water lakes etc. Hiking trails are open accept we get flooded with out of state people - he can't close the state border although the residence of NH would go along with it 100% He just extended it to May 24 th .BUT he can adjust it if our numbers of New cases goes down .I think we are at 51 hospitalized and 30 deaths but i would have to check the death numbers ,going off my memory and that is scary . !! stay Safe and Sound

Preserved profile image
Preserved in reply to jetjetjet

Why is type A the worst blood type to have? I am A+ also. Thanks and keep safe.

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to Preserved

I can't explain why I can only say that i was watching a talk show with a Hemo on there and when asked if there was a blood type that was a problem with C-19 the answer was YES type A + so i choked on my coffee and said 0 BOY That along with my other health iissuesis now got me to the top of the danger list .

GinaD profile image

I suspect there is some causation between covid and APS antibodies. "Suspect, " but not sure. Twill be fascinating to learn more about covid's relationship to pre-existing conditions, particularly autoimmunity.

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to GinaD

I hope they are just engaged and not married Ha ha Hugs Buddy are you walking still. yesterday was the first day since stopping my Cipro and bactrim at 1,600 mg a day of both SO 13 Th was last day for Cip. And my Ham strings behind both thighs are finally calming down i bend over at the waist with my knee's bent slightly and while bent over {as long as i don't get TO dizzy I slowly straighten my legs till pressure starts .then a little more and thats it for the day - i am getting to old i am to SHORT FAT Bald and U or we can call it Fugly !! ha

gly to do much more ha

GinaD profile image
GinaD in reply to jetjetjet

Yes, I am still walking -- 5 miles a day is my goal. But as I may have mentioned earlier, my neighborhood is perfect for walking! Paved flat, paved hill, woods flat, woods hill, grassy walk around 2 lakes. Perfect! Glad you are off some meds and I hope that with time those stretches restore mobility. I read an article online (shared from the Washington Post) about the number of unexpected clots being found in younger patients. ER docs are so confused --- they never expected someone in their 30s or 40s with low BP and no obesity to get blood clots. (Sound familiar?) APLS was never mentioned in the article, as it went on to say that the number of ER visits due to strokes and clots (as well as deaths due to same) began to double and even triple in the past month or so. Now the conclusion is that many of them may have had covid, but they weren't tested and that opportunity for those who died, has passed.


TwoH profile image
TwoH in reply to GinaD

I’m not sure if anyone here has received feedback from their Dr about if this tendency to clot for some makes us more vulnerable or equally as vulnerable as those who don’t have APS. Not necessarily more vulnerable to catch it but more likely with clot complications? I find it reasonable to think that but I haven’t seen anything about it. I’ll be interested to see if that is addressed.

Vespa1 profile image
Vespa1 in reply to TwoH

I’m to of the same opinion and wonder if being on blood thinners might actually help? It would be nice to hear what a specialist has to say or maybe they just don’t know. We’d like an answer on whether APS makes you a vulnerable person to CV 19? We have heard nothing from GP but then they are not brilliant at understanding APS in normal times. Has anyone else heard anything?

veganworld profile image

Hi All

My INR was just like you all I. that it was erratic and would jump around which meant I had to self test and catch it. Since I started to avoid chemicals in foods by eating as naturally as possible (no ready meals or processed foods and cutting out gluten) my INR is always stable. I didn't believe in all this foodie hype but was forced to address my diet when I got a polyp in my gallbladder. I had my gall bladder removed and decided to keep on this diet as I felt so good and my INR was so stable. Not sure what would happen in hospital with this virus but I imagine they would give heparin injections possibly.


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