Hi All- just to update you following my previous posts (if you can be bothered to look back through them )
My specialist at London Bridge had requested a brain MRI in view of my headaches and previous positive LA. My current LA had come back negative, after previously having 2 positives 7 weeks apart. The brain MRI did not show up any white matter changes (other than two tiny ones appropriate for my age), but it did show an area of cortical dysplasia which she felt was not related, and she referred me to a neurologist for that. It is a taylor type 2 lesion normally associated with epilepsy. I haven't had any seizures that I know of, although I am slightly concerned about sleep related epilepsy (need to ask the neurologist about that), and I have also recently been diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea.
Anyway, back to the auto-immune! I had a good response to the two week trial of steroids, so in view of my symptoms, steroid response, and previous positive antibodies, I have now been prescribed hydroxychloroquine. I've been taking it for a month- no difference yet but she did explain it normally takes 3 months to start working.
I don't have a specific diagnosis, but the specialist does agree that there is an auto-immune disorder going on. I'll be seeing her again in a couple of months. But I am still in limbo land really, with no proper diagnosis its very difficult for other people to understand why I feel shit most of the time.
Ah well. I'll update if anything interesting happens.