My dose of warfrin keeps rising over the last fees years to try to get my inr target of 4
Why is this ? Is my aps getting stronger or is it something else
My dose of warfrin keeps rising over the last fees years to try to get my inr target of 4
Why is this ? Is my aps getting stronger or is it something else
Hi Tim
We are not medical professionals on here, so we cannot answer your specific question. You will need to address this to whoever is managing your APS/INR. It would be interesting to here what they tell you though.
Best regards.
Hi there, I think it would be really good to have a more detailed chat with Prof Hunt, who may have some better answers for you, than we can give. However I know you are not the first to have this happen. MaryF
Hi I started off on 4mg daily of warfarin & now take 20mg. My consultant said I am building up a tolerance to warfarin over the years ( have been on it for nearly 30years) so it can happen but think you need to discuss eith your consultant to clarify. Hope this helps