Another young life wasted as Doctors ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Another young life wasted as Doctors don't recognise the signs of clots
Recently I had a close relative coughing up blood, both rust coloured and fresh, and was told that all was ok! MaryF
I had something along the same line also. I suffered massive PE and worked for 2 days after suffering it. I went to GP and was sent to ER right away. ER doc was ready to write me off as pulled muscle in calf of leg until my husband insisted that I stay and have other test ran. I was in hospital for a week and specialist told me I was lucky to be alive. He said you know when people just drop dead? This is what they drop dead of is what you suffered.
When they found my clots in both lungs , it took another day for them to test to find the clots in Grin , { L } legs ,neck left side and arm pit left side .-- you would think they would of done all extremities as soon as they found how bad the clooting in my lungs had gotten !!
OOPS CLOTTING in lungs --- Boy my fingers have a mind of their own this morning
Hi Jim,
I am so glad that you are here with your optimism and positive thinking!
Best from Kerstin also to Casey!
Well Kerstin my friend , I found out yesterday I can't get my Neck,back,arm and leg therapy because my Medicare won't cover it because they claim that it would be a maintenance program of which they won't cover so all that i went thru and the costs{which will be in the hundreds of dollars } was for nothing . so i am back to square one and it's been 3 months since my last back shots from Paincare so lets hope I get those-back has been spasming so bad it woke me out of a dead sleep last night . O well
Hi Jim,
It can not be easy to be an optimiste with those news! So sorry about that!
As I do not have those symptoms you have and live in another country with other medical rules, I do not know what to say.......
APsnotFab asked you the other day, if they had talked about immun-suppressing drugs (think it was that)? Have you thought about that? You are trippel-positive like me with high titres also. Hope you at least get the shots back! Hugs to Casey!
Very sad indeed, there needs to be more awareness raising. MaryF