Hi after 4 failed ivf and 1 fet I have asked to be referred to the miscarriage clinic as I have unexplained fertility. They have been testing me for sticky blood and my first result was "slightly high" at 15... 20 being the point when they start to treat . I have had a repeat test & a follow up appointment in three months ...Which seems like a long time. I have been following this forum & it is because of this forum that I have learn new information and have asked to be referred to the miscarriage clinic. Any further information/ advice would be greatly appreciated.
Miscarriage clinic: Hi after 4 failed... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Miscarriage clinic

HI sorry to hear about your losses at this very difficult time it would also be an idea to be ask for a referral to one of our specialists: hughes-syndrome.org/self-he...
Where are you located as it will help other members help you, as there may be some not too far from your area, who have local knowledge.
Being informed for the next appointment will really help you. MaryF
I am sorry for your failed cycles. Unfortunately we have to have two positive results 12 weeks apart to be diagnosed with Hughes. It is hard to wait this long I know but getting the right reenactment will save a lot of heartache. Personally I miscarried 4 times before my miracle brought to me by taking aspirin, heparin, high dose folic acid, cyclogest and a cervical stitch. I have three books that I found useful when dealing with miscarriage and would be happy to send them to you if you want? They are miscarriage - what every woman needs to know by Lesley Regan, is your body baby friendly by Alan beer and sits west fertility and conception. If you want them just private message me your address.
Hi and thanks for your reply. At first you think it's just you going through all this but then when you get replies from people like yourself you realise that's it's more common than you think. Hope all is well with you & yes that would be really great ( and kind) regarding the books... I will pm you with my address. Thanks once again
Hi I've been back to the miscarriage clinic... My sticky blood level was at 13... Previously it was 15... Still no further on apart for having another hysteroscopy to check the lining of the womb...dont think I will ever get any answers. Gone back to gp to ask can I be referred to check out my blood levels etc...I have had 2 blood tests & both slightly high.. Does this mean that I may have APS?