Just a small rant, I need to vent a little!
I'm starting to get seriously annoyed with my stupid body at the moment! I really don't know what the heck else to do with it. I knew I had a wedding to go to this weekend just gone so I spent the 5 days prior to it just going into work (part time, not too taxing) coming home and resting, pottering around the house and making sure I got plenty of sleep. I didn't even go to my usual exercise classes as I then use the weekend for recovery time which I knew I wasn't going to get.
Went to the wedding, was a long day but nothing particularly unusual. Slight fibro type connective tissue pain when I went to bed but nothing major.
Woke up Sunday morning after a good 10 hours proper sleep with full blown, reverberation hurts when I take a step, pulling clothes on hurts where it pulls against the skin, don't touch me or I'll kill you, connective tissue pain everywhere. Feels like someone put me through a mangle when I wasn't looking and I'm still aching like heck today after resting yesterday and getting another decent night of unbroken sleep.
I gave you sleep, I gave you rest, I looked after you. What more can I do you stupid bundle of flesh and nerves?!
Normally I'm pretty chilled out and accepting of my body and it's condition(s) (Hughes Syndrome and Lupus) but there are times when I wish to whatever is out there having a laugh at my expense that I were 'normal'. I've potentially got another 50+ years of this rubbish which is a less than inspiring thought at times!