Has anyone else experienced blood ves... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Has anyone else experienced blood vessels bursting on finger tips?
Possibly, I have had two occasions recently where my fingernail beds have turned an orange/red color overnight. The only thing I can figure out is happening is one of two things, bleeding under the nails, or some odd ball reaction between my meds. My nails have been completely wonky since I started getting the splinter hemorrhages back in August. Luckily those have drastically decreased in frequency since my Doctor started me on Warfarin. My nails were covered in them when they first showed up.
Yes, I have had this. Usually on the underside of toes and fingers at joints. I could never remember injuring myself so I assumed that a small vessel had popped. Never bothered to get it checked out. It usually clears up in a day or two.
I quite often get a blood vessel burst on my right hand 2nd joint of my middle finger. It does this usually when I have been gripping e.g. the vacuum handle but sometimes for no reason at all. It really hurts to touch, turns mauve then black and within 4 hours has dispersed as if it had never happened.Perhaps this is where my weak vessels are and yours are on the tips
Yep, I seem to get this sort of thing in my hands quite regularly.