Found out I am pregnant 4 days ago and cant get hold of my consultant to let her know so I can be started on heparin. Dont know what to do now any ideas ???
Pregnant with aps : Found out I am... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Pregnant with aps

Ring your GP.. Has your consultant got a pregnancy plan in place that you're GP is aware of? My GP was always the one I went to to get my clexane jabs before seeing the consultants but that's because I am on warfarin all the time (not sure about your situation) so they had to move me over..
I would suggest trying your GP then if no joy there get the hosp to page your consultant or a registra for a script.
Congratuations and try and relax (easier said than done i know)
Hugs Kate xx
Thanks for your responses managed to get hold of my consultant waiting for app for scan next week then if everythings ok start the heparin jabs. on aspirin at the mo. And tgen regualr checks every two weeks ...thankyou for the congratulations I will keep you posted x
Hi Sarahlou
Congratulations and well done for getting the Heparin sorted out.
Best wishes.
Dave xx
Congratulations and well done on getting a plan in place.
Thankyou x

Hi congratulations, really good news for you, another tact you could try is to ring the Consultant's secretary and ask for his or her email address, then write to her but title the email very urgent and marked for consultant with all your contact details and phone numbers this usually works when I need something urgent. Mary F x
Thankyou Mary will try that next time I get no joy x
Had a scan today only 4 weeks 6 days saw a tiny gestational sac back next week for another scan so fingers crossed
Well scan tomorrow hoping all goes well as this is our last try cant cope with any more losses.....
Congrates! I'm currently 37 weeks and fingers crossed all is going well. The main thing you need to do is don't panic. As long as you are on clexane/fragmin and not on warfarin anymore relax.
Your obviously being looked after with early scans already. Just take one step at a time and enjoy being pregnant..
Fingers crossed for you
MJ x
Congratulations great news and take care of yourself xx
Thanks for the responses had scan a yolk sac is now visible so back next week for another