Does anyone know if you can have things removed from your medical records?
Medical records: Does anyone know if... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Medical records
Hi This happened to me last year i was under a new consultant who thought it would up to him to decided if i was to be resusated if i end up not being able to breath due to my chronic airways disease . As you can imagine i was very upset and spoke to one of my other consultants who was very cross with what had been said and put on my records but he took it further for me and its ben removed and was taken to PALS. who now keep an eye on my records regular as i have had a lot of problems in the past.Luckly i am now with a fantastic consultant and has assured me if anything was to happen they would do there up most to help me.
I'm afraid the answer is no you cant have anything removed from your records.
I had a consultant state in my records I was a waste of hospital time & NHS money, I went on to take him to tribunal after calling my notes & reading his offensive remark.
I won my case ! In fact I was very ill so I insisted something was put in my records to over ride the offensive statement that had followed me around from consultant to consultant......they all reviewed me as a waste of space.
I had put in my notes that infact I was not a waste of time or hospital funding but in fact seriously ill & due to my consultants incompetence I had not been diagnose earlier.
Dont be afraid to battle. Jillymo
I found out that at the time of my renal crisis, a DNR had been placed in with my notes. As far as I know none of my family suggested this and I am unsure who exactly took this decision.
If it was a doctor, he must have underestimated my resilience.
As far as I know it is still in my records and as I am due to have another procedure at this same hospital I feel I may need to make people aware that I am not planning on making a grand exit soon if I can help it, and I hope that any medical staff treating me are hoping for the same outcome as me.
I had forgotten about it until seeing this question.
In the USA any time you are in surgery any DNR is automatically revoked.
There was something on BBC Breakfast about this recently where patients were unaware of the DNR notes on their files. Shocking practice without patient dialogue. Quite scary that a stranger can make that decision without discussing with the patient or their nearest and dearest!
I complained about a discharge letter from hospital that full of completely false statements . The consultant refused to change it but I was allowed to add my response to the files. The nursing notes and medical notes contradicted what he had said in the letter and I quoted from these. It was frustrating not to be able to remove false information from my notes even. when the facts were clearly documented in the notes.