Does anybody have any idea what the cause is of burning feet. My right is the worst, the top burns like I have scraped the skin with something sharp, but there is nothing at all to see. It has progressed over the weeks to under the foot and at times under both feet. I know there is no point asking the doc as my feet look great. I had wondered about PN but if that means a neuro then, no thanks.
Burning feet but nothing to see. - Hughes Syndrome A...
Burning feet but nothing to see.
I have the same problem my Doctor says it's neuropathy can't spell it lol a good tip for you is to put a small round bottle in the fridge to keep it nice and cold and when your feet burn roll it gentle underfoot it will cool your foot down and if cold is no good try warm water instead it works great for me x
Hi Jade
When your feet feel like they're burning, are they hotter (temperature-wise rather than aesthetically!) to the touch than say, your calves? Are you diabetic? Do you have peripheral neuropathy (I know you've thought of this)? Is your blood circulation compromised? How active are you?
Any of these factors could have a bearing on whether what you are feeling is real or perceived to be real. If they burn and are hot to the touch, clearly more investigation is required. If they burn and are in reality no hotter than anywhere else on your body, the conclusion to jump to is that these are neuropathic symptoms which I suspect you won't like!
The temptation might be to prescribe gabapentin or pregabalin to attempt to deal with the immediate symptoms. This may be correct but on its own, without nerve conduction tests and/or other tests, the results will be purely symptomatic, which you may well feel is enough. If this happens to you, you may want to push for the tests while you see what effect the symptomatic drug therapy has. Generalising mercilessly, neurologists are a strange breed, aren't they? It's surprising how many of us on this site think this way but we do.
Sometimes these feelings just disappear and you wake up to realise they're not there anymore (the symptoms, not the neurologists). Good luck!
My hands/palms were burning and irritated red until I started warfarin. Better circulation, I don't know.
You can also have funny sensations like this with low thyroid hormone levels.. and at times these levels do not show up at NHS tets and remain stubbornly hidden.. thyroid problems go hand in hand with Hughes Syndrome.. maybe check. Mary F x
Mary I have felt that my thyroid is under for decades and been repeatedly tested but to no avail.
I know it's dangerous to have it when it's not needed and I don't believe any GP will treat a negative thyroid.
I have many of the symptoms but I just have to live with them.
Yip, burning hot feet, mostly equally... It's feels as though sometimes the severity varies
Between left and right, but itch too... Don't know if you do? ...I've used many implements to ease the itching, to the damage of my feet, they are in shreds!!! Apart from looking a mess, when they are ' on fire', they look normal... As in, I expect to find them red hot in colour!, but no they just look 'normal' .... My doc has said it's eczema, and I have had lots of different steroid creams, nothing makes any difference though. I try to ' air' my feet as much as possible... No socks..... Flip flops... Sandals etc, and I smother them in lots of greasy greasy creams and cotton socks, I take my shoes off at every opportunity , and at night time , my feet constantly stick out from under the covers!! Sarahx
My Mother had this burning feet symptom. Biannual B 12 shots helped her immensely.
I suffered terribly with this before APS was diagnosed.
Since on Warfarin it has eased dramatically but I still do
get it usually when I am de-hydrated! Drink lots of water
- 3 litres a day & see if you get any improvement. Hope
this was helpful!
I fail all thyroid tests and B12 but then I failed APS tests too so a bit of a failure around. Oddly I passed the Sjogrens blood test which a prof Hughes says is unusual.
My right foot is worst, it's mostly on the top, my mind wants to think its like a vein is inflamed as I cannot see anything.
Sometimes it the base of both but it's when it's on top that's confuses me.
If it was neuro I will not go to the local neuro as I saw him with my son and he is horrid.