HIV positive single mother. : I wanted to know... - HIV Partners

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HIV positive single mother.

Theresa124 profile image
20 Replies

I wanted to know how to build up my immune system again. I have e had a very bad time and I took some antibiotics for a toothache. The antibiotics and the other meds I was taking made me lose alot of weight and my count went from 600 to 200 in a week.....I think it's called waisting. But either way now I am down from 220 lbs to 185 in a matter of two months. How can I help get back to normal. Please help me. I don't want to leave my daughter alone on this earth with no one.

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Theresa124 profile image
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20 Replies
kentgal profile image

Hay, big hug to you.......:) I too am a single mum, -diagnosed for 4yrs on meds 2yrs- so I can understand your worrys. Your probably feeling down as you have been poorly and your immune system has had to work harder. I know when I start to feel fatigued I think "oh no is this it, am I gonna get ill now?". So far, each time I have been fine, I rest up then I feel strong again. Can you speak to your health care professionals? can they reassure you? Take care mate, all the best xxxxxxxxxx

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to kentgal

Thank you. As matter of fact I went to the hospital last night, also past out at work. So got to the hospital and they gave me an IV and some pain meds but I still don't have an appetite and my head hurts so much.....I just don't know what to do.

kentgal profile image
kentgal in reply to Theresa124

hi hun.hugs,

if it was me I would speak to my H.I.V doctor and nurse, do you see the same one each time you go for your check up? I get the impression your in the usa? Im in the uk so I dont know how it works there, but any time I need reassurrance or help I contact my H.I.V specialist nurse and she normally is able to answer any queiry I have. I know its worrying but hold on in there and be strong, xxxxxxxx

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to kentgal

Yes I am in the U.S. New Jersey. There is no support talk like this here in the states. I love the fact that people alike can talk about these things. But I have an appointment with my doctor at the end of the month but when I feel like crap they just tell you to go to the emergency room. You can't just pop up and go to the doctor. Or call the doctor and talk to them. I am sure it's not as unfeeling over there. I am sure all the doctors car about each and everyone of there patients. I wish it was like that here but when you are just a dollar sign that how they treat you. But thank you for the encouragement.....And the war to talk to.😀

Dorsetguy01 profile image
Dorsetguy01 in reply to Theresa124

Hi there, not sure what to solve your prob, luckily I have great clinic nearby fantastic workers there, only use them when I'm worried, changed meds last year as felt suicidal all ok now. Good diet and plenty of sleep helps me, I do worry sometimes but that does no good, try stay upbeat and thank ful for everyday. Doc recommended meditation too? Good luck, advice helps to as your not alone. X

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to Dorsetguy01

Yes it helps alot. I am so glad your feeling better. I am also in the transition of changing my diet and maybe talking to my therapists more. It really feels good to know that I have friends that don't mind listening and hear the rants. This group is great. Much love to you.

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to kentgal

I meant ear to talk to....😀

kentgal profile image
kentgal in reply to Theresa124

wow your in america, I went to new oreleans once before my kids were born. I loved it, all the americans I have met have been really lovely. I live in a small seaside town and no one knows that im H.I.V. I would worry that my kids could face discrimination. The attitudes are differnt in london, but in small places where I am people can be fearful and stupied!!!!!!!! The drs do care here so it must be hard for you. Be strong sister as you are not alone there are thousands of us mothers fighting to live..!!!!!!!! :)

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to kentgal

Thank you again.

Chrissuffolk profile image
Chrissuffolk in reply to kentgal

Those HIV nurse specialists rock! I love mine...

kentgal profile image
kentgal in reply to Chrissuffolk

I love mine, too....

Bek7232 profile image

Aloe juice in what ever you drink once daily. You can get it at Walmart a gallon cost about 7.00 dollars just two to three ounces. Takes a little time but it will bring your number 's up been taking it for 15 years plus 😀💯👌

chiwawa profile image


Am also a single mother living in Kenya and i worry about my son all the time thank you for asking this question and for all the replies you have gotten coz of late i have been very fatigued i will definitely try the aloe juice my doctor had recommended vitamin E but it was making it worse all the best to you and your daughter

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to chiwawa

Yes your welcome. And thank you bek7232. I will be trying this also. Chiwawa your not alone as I have found out through this this site. I have tried everything under the sun. But it will get better for us it will. I was looking on the internet and of course they have the cure everywhere but where we need it. Hope love and prayer for all of us that need it.

Griffon profile image

Hi Theresa , You don't give much detail but some of what you are saying doesn't make sense .

Are you receiving HIV medication ? If you are on the right combination and you take the doses strictly as you should your viral load will be undetectable and your CD4 count ( immune system ) will rise over time . As an example , it has taken me six years to get my CD4 count from 350 up to 850 . With an untreated HIV infection the CD4count drops about 100 a year . It seems very unlikely that yours could have dropped from 600 to 200 in only a week . I have also taken antibiotics at various times and this has not affected my count at all .

It seems to me that there is more going on in your life and you need proper professional advice . With the right treatment you will be here for your daughter as long as she needs you !

Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to Griffon

I understand that, my daughter is my life and let me explain. At the time I was taking the antibiotics and taking the anti viral drugs. Then nother doctor gave me levothyroxine to take on top of all of that and then they sent me to a psychiatrist and he prescribed me disapam. So at one time in a week's period I was taking six different Medicines. So the reaction my body had was to shut down and give me the worst headache I had ever gotten in my life. My viral load went down my body went into shock. That was november 2016. Right now as of last night in the ER i got a blood work up from my primary and I have a b vitamin deficiency, cerebral detiration, calcium deficiency , weight loss that I can't explain and I am at risk for a heart attack. This was told to me just last night. So I am not saying that I am going to die but because I was an ass and took all the medicines at the recommendation of doctors I have worse problems now then I did three months ago. Everything was affected by my carelessness of not knowing what medicines counter act with the other meds. My viral load was affected greatly. So I am trying to detox my body and get it back to what ever normal is now for me.

Griffon profile image

Hi Teresa , Again it is hard to know what is going on in your life , but from what you have said it seems that , part of your problems at least , are diet related .

I can promise you that if you are on the right medication and stick to a regime , HIV will not be a problem for you .. But you really do need to get all the other stuff put right in order to give it a chance to work .

I'm sure your daughter will provide the motivation for you to get all this sorted .

AtticusBear profile image

Hi Theresa, so sorry you're having such a tough time of it. Sending hugs to you from across the sea... I usually find that in times of trouble getting real face-to-face support from other HIV+ folks the best answer, whether its advice or just someone to talk to who might understand better the challenges that you are going through. i was wondering If you had any support of this kind there and if you didn't, would encourage you to maybe have a look to see if there is anything out there... I of course realise that this may not be possible for you depending where you live etc but also understand that it is tempting when you are down and unwell, to isolate a little and depend solely on long-distance virtual, internet support...(it's exactly what I do when I'm down or ill!) - although the internet is a great tool nothing can replace the help that a real life human being who has similar challenges to you can give I have found that people living with HIV can be a fantastic source of support and help...You just have to find them.

I had a (very) quick look on google and found this (201) 489-2900 or 1(800) 508-7577 (NJ only) - I know absolutely nothing about them but they have a nice website and seem to run some support groups a couple of times a week including a mixed one (men & women) and a women's one. It doesn't say where they are - you would have to get in touch to find out (I know NJ is a big place) - I would urge you to give them a ring or an email because even if their services are no good for you they might be able to suggest some alternatives. Let me know if you are having trouble searching for stuff on the web - i can definitely help you with that from here...

All the best with everything Theresa, try and get plenty of food rest and water... sending even more hugs


Theresa124 profile image
Theresa124 in reply to AtticusBear

Thank you. I don't know how you were able to find them but I so appreciate that. I will definitely check them out.

Theresa124 profile image

Hello, a cure? Elaborate please my email is

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