Hi, I've been feeling dizzy, lightheaded and was wondering if Bisoprolol Fumarate 5 mg that I have been taking every day for a few years could be the cause of my discomfort. I would appreciate any comments and advice.
Bisoprolol : Hi, I've been feeling... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

Hello. I’ve been on Bisoprolol for 6 years, starting at 2.5 mgs and now on 10 mgs daily. The info I have found during that time, is that side effects usually manifest themselves early on in the regime. Have you had a thorough cardiac check up lately ? Have you had your general health examined lately ? We do tend to assume that any symptom we have is due to our main concern or the drugs - your symptoms may be caused by something else entirely. Best get checked out or you will become anxious.
Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply. I haven't had a general health check for about 2 years. I had a telephone consultation with a doctor at my surgery because of the dizziness, and light-headyness. I suggested high blood pressure, but she said that high blood pressure is normal with old people. I'm 81 but in good health otherwise, do yoga and walk. She just sent me to have blood works and blood pressure taken and everything came back ok. I had a cardiac ablation 2 years ago and I have been feeling good, no AF episodes anymore and only a few short ectopics from time to time.
The literature that comes with the Bisoprolol mentions dizziness as a side effect. I have taking for at least 15 years, 5 mg since my ablation. I will follow your advice and try to get a proper checkup. Thanks again for replying.
hi martgai I also get these dizzy spells and I am 72 had heart trouble for about 50 years my dosage of bisoprolol is 15 mg with 6 other pills the dizziness only happens if I'm sat down for a length of time and get up quickly I have had loads of remedies from my consultant but nothing worked I don;t get a fast heartbeat now touch wood as I'm retired and more relaxed at our age there are a couple of other things the consultant could do but he feels they would be to much for me I got a rash from one of the medication went to the doctors and believe it or not he sent me to the pharmacy to see if they knew the cause this got me into a lot of trouble with them so I have resigned now to live it out you like me do exercise this helps you don;t get dizzy spells walking only when we relax so plod on the medication I take will see me through xx
Hi Darlington, thanks for taking the time to reply. I get dizzy when standing or seating. I think I'll try and get another consult, which now is almost impossible at my surgery but perhaps a different person my suggest something else than just old age. I do yoga, walk and don't have any other health problems. The other med I'm taking relating to my heart is Edoxaban which I have been taking instead of Warfarin after a cardiac ablation 2 years ago. Maybe just relaxing and ignoring the dizziness is the solution.... Thanks again.
martgai my heart troubles go back a long way but like I said I have had tablets that make me dizzy had one that gave me nightmares I could see what I was dreaming about scared the life out of me {AMIADRONE } but now the tablets I take have settled my fast heartbeat used to go to the hospital to get it slowed down REGULARY my meds now are BISOPROLOL 10 +5 MG-DIGOXIN 125 MICROGRAM -EDOXOBAN 60 MG -FUROSEMIDE40 MG -LECANDIPINE 10 MG -RAMIPRIL 10 MG I used to take rivaroxiban but they changed it to that edoxoban ?? I would not count on the NHS surgeries doing a good job I could not get past the typist got told by a doctor to come in and got thrown out by the clerical staff so now I just order my pills and hope for the best GOOD LUCK anyway xx
When this happened to me my cardiologist increased the dose of my Bisoprolol a little to include 1.25mg in the evening as well as the morning 5mg. I had been feeling weird in the latter part of the day. It has worked and improved my general wellbeing. I do still get the cold hands and feet though.
Hi - been taking it a few months now. No side effects for me. And I take nine other mediacations..
Hi Martgai, at the start of taking 2.5mg Bisoprolol 6 years ago, I did feel dizzy and light headed for a short while. Currently I am on 7.5mg Bisoprolol, and it is well gone. I also experienced breathing problem in the beginning and I was told by my GP to persevere and I had to and then it went away. I think it may be an idea to speak with your GP as it may be related to something else. I am not medically trained but I would have thought that the symptoms you describe should, in my opinion, have occured at the outset of taking Bisoprolol and not after having taking it after a few years. Take care and wish you all the best.
Hello Martgai, as people can react differently to medication, I would strongly suggest you speak to the doctor who prescribed your tablets for answers. I personally have not had any issues with this medication but I do know people who have. Best get it checked professionally.
I was taking bisoprolol at between 1.5mg to 2.5mg and I felt absolutely awful on it. I felt extremely lethargic and dizzy, and also breathless.
You could have an ear condition. I have Eustachian tube dysfunction and that can cause periods of vertigo. Has your doctor mentioned Meniere’s Disease? That’s an infection of the inner ear and can make people feel quite awful with dizziness.