My husband has been on Bisoprolol for almost 6 years for AF.
I'm currently researching side affects and I have found an article confirming this drug can cause Peripheral Neuropathy, has anyone else experienced this.
Also memory problems , these are worsening over time, short term memory as in things spoken of can be forgotten very quickly, repeating something he has said 5minutes ago. His long term memory is fine.
The neuropathy is driving him mad particularly in the evening. He's had investigations, a lumbar puncture included, no outcome or reason from those tests.
It does seem in hindsight that an ablation may have been preferable to drugs. A neurologist we saw for neuropathy smiled about the memory and just said it's the heart issue causing it I'm afraid.
any opinions or advice would be welcome
I've read on here sad stories of people coming off this drug feeling horrendous so its hard to know what action to take.
Thank you.