put on bisoprolol 5mf diagonised with AFib now my pulse rate 46 is this normal?
bisoprolol: put on bisoprolol 5mf... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

I have no medical training but would say if it were me with that heart rate I'd want my dose of Bisoprolol reduced slightly. You could call the 111 no, for advice or wait and speak to your GP tomorrow?
It's whether you are feeling ok at that rate that really matters?
Everyone’s normal is different, prior to my AF ablation last month my average resting HR was 48 with lows as low as 42, that’s on 1.25mg twice per day. So for me it was normal and more importantly I felt ok. If it makes you feel unwell then speak to the prescribing medics would be my thoughts.
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I recently had my Bisoprolol dosage increased. I experienced PVC’s for a few days after, but has since sorted itself out. My equipment was registering 32 bpm. Turned out that it was only sensing every second beat due to low perfusion. I backed off to original dosage and then titrated up over ten days. All good now. My wife and I got jabbed at the same time. 1 1/2 hours later she was non responsive getting CPR. 3 hours later it was my turn. Luckily I was still in the ER. Took 60 hours to get me to a cath lab…. Now they say I have CHF and a low EF
yep pulse like that can be totally normal for some on bisoprolol. I take 2.5mg twice a day instead of a full 5mg in one hit. My pulse at rest is often in the 45-50 range. But it is how it makes you feel and how your body adjust to it. My EP and cardiologist are both aware of the rate and okay with it as long as my body is okay with it.
Thank you for replying. Just checked on my blood pressure but machine would not let me do it as it flashes low pulse and won’t give me a blood pressure reading
My machine will often not give a reading. I have found that if I leave the cuff a bit on the loose side(just a wee bit) then the machine is happy to perform. My theory is that with the low perfusion index there are not enough triggers present for proper function. This works in ER s and clinics where they think their equipment is malfunctioning. I also have used a wrist cuff as opposed to the brachial one. It is much more sensitive and rarely fails to function properly
After my heart attack they tried to get me on higher doses of bisoprolol. I got to 8mg I think and then my blood pressure was 70/40. I felt terrible +++. So we nudged it down to a level I can live my life with and it was still dampening down my arrhythmias. 5mg split is a good dose for me at present Good luck finding your level.
Yes, it can and does lower it, I am on 5MG twice a day .Chances are it will settle higher in a week or three.

Thank you for your post, Bisoprolol is a beta blocker and is prescribed to try and control an erratic or irregular heart rhythm. Taking a new medication can take time for the body to adjust and take effect. If you heart rhythm recordings are persistently showing below 60, or you feel light-headed or even fain, please contact your doctor for advice.