After occasional palpitations in recent years and a 3 hour event last Autumn, I had checks on my heart that found no structural problems and only minor issues consistent with my age (70). I have been offered ablation and put on bisoprolol. I am in good general health and fit for my age (tennis, walking, yoga, etc). But I am borderline anaemic because of medication for another condition and suffering from fatigue - more tired than I feel I should be. Bisoprolol dose is 2.5mg per day. I am getting good health care from my local cardiology department but wondered what you think about the option of cutting the dose? Would that reduce fatigue without reducing protection?
Bisoprolol dosage: After occasional... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Bisoprolol dosage

I am on 10Mg a day and when I started on 2.5 I noticed for the first couple of weeks afternoon tiredness.
For you - I'm afraid I don't know, is my answer. However I can tell you that I did exactly what you have suggested (halved my 2.5mg Bisoprolol dose down to 1.25mg and feel better for it). Have yet to tell my GP but she's been on extended leave for a while. I would never advise anyone on their pill dosage because if they reduced theirs and had a stroke etc., it would be the fault of medically unqualified me. Could you perhaps ask your GP tomorrow?
I can’t tolerate 2.5 in one go so my Cardiologist suggested taking it twice a day so 1.25 morning and evening, so far it’s working better for me.
I was on 2.5 mg per day for several years and felt like a zombie mosy of the time. All I wanted to sleep most of the day and it seemed to slow my heart rate to pounding even though I have a combo ICD (Pacemaker/Defibrillator). Doctor tried to up my dose to 7.5 mg per day which I absolutely could not tolerate so I settle on splitting a tablet and taking 1.25 in the morning and at bedtime. Even so, I was still having heavy pounding episodes so eventually began taking 2.5 mg as needed and skipping the Bisoprolol altogether most of the time and feel much better and have yet to trigger my defibrillator shock. When I was at the 5mg dose level per day, I actually passed out on multiple occasions from lack of adrenaline. Once I was riding my bike on a hot summer day and fell to the pavement breaking five ribs?
I recently contracted the RSV Virus and had severe breathing and coughing problems for over two months. I feared Bisoprolol was adding to the problem and putting me on the verge of Anaphylaxsis. That is when I quit altogether and now when I try it again, feel as though I wm going to have a stroke.
Some rather alarming responses that may not be related to your condition, but it isn't clear why you were prescribed Bisoprolol in the first place.
You said that you had a few episodes of palpitations, one lasting three hours, but haven't said what you were experiencing. Palpitations generally just means that you are aware of your heart beat and it's bothering you.
Do you have readings of your heart rate and blood pressure when you were at rest and not having palpitations and readings when you were having palpitations? During the palpitations was your heartbeat regular or irregular?
Bisoprolol is commonly prescribed for hypertension and/or high heart rate, since it reduces the adrenaline response to your heart and helps to stop it racing, at the same time reducing your blood pressure.
It's also used for Atrial Fibrillation to reduce a high heart rate,
Some people find that Bisoprolol slows down their heart to 50 bpm or less and makes them tired and weak and, if this is true in your case, a reduced dose or alternative drug might help, depending upon what condition you are being medicated for.
It's helpful to know what your HR and BP are when resting at home, because measurements in a clinical settings can often be high ("white coat syndrome ").
Best wishes,
Hi Paul, thanks to you and the others for replying. It was useful to read what you had to say and I hope there will be further discussion. In answer to your question, this is what happened. After the three-hour very high heart rate incident, my GP saw me and arranged ECGs, including a 24 hour one. Coincidentally, I had a further extended incident during that time, so they got it all on the record. My GP was shocked, put me on bisoprolol and referred me to cardiology. My understanding is that the extended high heart rate is not good for the heart and interferes with blood circulation and could even be fatal. So the bisoprolol was to counter that threat until further investigation possible. Further examination revealed my heart is in good condition but there remains the possibiity of arrythmia. Like I said, they offered me ablation but this procedure carries risks. It's likely that they will just leave me on bisprolol for years to come. If that is nececessary, so be it, but I would like to be on the smallest dose possible. They obviously have a reason for setting it at 2.5mg but I still wonder whether I could get away with 1.25mg per day. To me, that would seem to offer protection, while reducing the fatigue. I'm going to raise this issue with my cardio but I put a question on this forum to check out other people's experience. Cheers, Chris