My husband has a theory that my history of over doing it with exercise caused my PVCs (I used to train muay thai 2 hours day 5 days a week and we got pushed until practically collapsing. PVCs started 3 years afterwards). Just want to throw the question out there and see if anyone else developed an arrhythmia after over exercising for a few years?
Over exercising cause ongoing ectopic... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Over exercising cause ongoing ectopics/arrhythmia?

Hiya Your husband could be right. If you Google athletes and PVCs it’s quite common for intense exercise to trigger PVCs by stressing the heart. Sorry my PVCs not due to exercise but maybe someone on here will have direct experience. Best wishes
I have no idea about your own situation but i developed arrhythmia after exercise( running) a few years ago. My heart rate would peak as normal but then collapse to c 46 ,when resting, after running, and gradually return to c 70. Thereafter I developed atrial flutter, although I still exercised, low ef and suspected cardiomyopathy. Following a cardio version and 1 year of candesartan my ventricles returned to normal although my resting heart remains at 46 bpm. I never had any adverse symptoms during this period. or now, and the cause of the arrhythmia remains unknown. I have since returned to treadmill running ( slow), 3 miles 33 minutes, with no repeat. My consultant suspect that the heart issues were caused by the arrhythmia but has no idea what caused the flutter. My own view is that overstressed heart caused the arrhythmia and subsequent issues. I also suspect the cardioversion can result in a low heart rate. All of the above supposition on my part.
Oh that's interesting, thank you for sharing your experience! Mine was doing something similar after intensive exercise and now I've had a week without any issues since stopping exercise completely for 2 weeks. Annoying because exercise is meant to strengthen the heart and whatnot isn't it!
i was a fitness fanatic for years before my heart started playing up. boxing was my thing. i did boxing workouts several times a week, sometimes back to back classes. i also ran 5k a few times a week. hardcore. i've wondered sometimes if my hardcore workouts triggered all of this years later. some chinese philosopher once said that you have a finite number of heart beats, so if you over use your heart when youre younger you can run out. that stuck with me. there might very well be some truth in being really really active, then years later having issues
Oh geez I'm sorry that happened to you as well. Did you ever manage to recover enough to get back in boxing? It absolutely kills me that I can't train anymore because it was such a passion, but now even though my lungs and muscles feel like they'd be fine, my heart feels like it'll give out if I do anything more than a 15min jog (my heart rate shoots up very fast with any semi strenuous exercise, but it comes back down normally after so docs aren't concerned so I'm stuck living with it and my ectopics).