Another desperate post from me. I have posted in multiple areas in the last two weeks, just desperate for help or reassurance.
I have had ectopics to some degree all of my adult life. Usually just the flip flops and then thuds. Worse at obvious times like when ill, stressed or when I was medicated for thyroid disease. I have always tolerated these fairly well and didn’t worry about them.
6 months ago I woke up in the night with a kings thirst, gasping and had a racing heart. Around 130bpm. My bp was 90/50 and felt awful. Really didn’t want to go to hospital and googled and thought perhaps I had reactive hypoglycaemia as had had a large Chinese and wine and then fallen straight to sleep. Apple juice and a banana later and I felt much better, heart rate returned to normalish, just shaken up.
This happened again a couple of months later, but this time, no matter what I tried my HR wouldn’t go down. I was anxious though so wasn’t sure if it was panic. Every time I tried to go to sleep I would jump awake with what felt like an adrenaline surge. Eventually called 111 and they sent an ambulance as it was a quiet night. Got to A&E and was firstly accused of taking cocaine and then discharged after blood tests came back normal and my heart rate came down. M HEART WAS FAST BUT NOT IRREGULAR Wasn’t told what happened just that they would write to GP & recommend a follow up.
I didn’t hear from the GP (surprise surprise) and hoped it simply wouldn’t happen again.
Fast forward to two weeks ago, I started getting multiple palpitations sat at my desk. My heart rate WAS NOT FAST, but was completely irregular and it lasted hours. This has now gone on and on for the last 2 weeks. Whenever I am at rest, eating a meal they are constant. I have the FibriCheck app, which is similar to the Kardia I gather, and the vast majority of my readings are irregular. A doctor reviews them and it’s usually bigeminy or frequent ectopics. All the time. It’s awful and I feel tired and awful because of it
My GP referred me to cardiology, but the wait in my area is 22 weeks plus. After my begging my GP I got another set of blood tests (results normal) and a 30 second ECG which showed ectopics. Again, I tried to reiterate these were constant but no one seems to care. I was given Propanalol to take as a pill in the pocket, but don’t want to take because my resting heart rate is 62 & my palpitations don’t come with a fast heart rate.
My Fitbit is giving strange night time readings regarding my breathing rate. This is calculated using heart rhythm and my breathing rate is calculated at 9 per minute (which is wrong) so I know it must also happen in my sleep too.
My life is miserable since this started, I cannot eat (I’ve lost weight), sleep and I have two young children. I am constantly worried and begging for them to stop. I have done all the right things and yet they persist.
Most posts I read people have the odd few and feel upset but mine are constant! It feels awful. The worst times are at rest. The best times are first thing in the morning & when I am on the go.
I have contacted Bupa for an idea of price to expedite a 24 hour holter & appointment but I don’t think I’ll be able to afford.
If you made it this far in my story and thank and applaud you…and also beg for help 😢😢😢