Constant heart palpitations - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Constant heart palpitations

WBA123 profile image
60 Replies

One night last week my heart rhythm was all over the place. This went on throughout the night, no matter what I tried or which way I lay they just kept coming, a funny feeling in my chest followed by a fast heart beat another pause and a thud. It was like I was stuck on repeat. A paramedic was called in the end and when they arrived they did all the necessary checks and guess what they only caught occasional ectopics. They were looking at me like what's this guys problem. Fast forward a week with no palpitations at all and last night was one of those nights none stop skipped beats long pause followed by a fast heart beat which seemed to correct itself and go back into normal rhythm.

I'm at a loss really and quite scared. This isn't something new I've had ectopics for years it's just of late they have gotten as worse as I've ever had them, I don't know where to turn as I feel I've exhausted all options. (the professionals just look at me like why are you wasting my time) I'm sat here writing this and the palpitations have been constant, debating if I've got the strength to go to work.

Anyway thanks for listening

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WBA123 profile image
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60 Replies
starlight26 profile image

Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through and I can't tell you how much I empathise. My own problem started in just the same way as yours- sudden onset one night for no apparent reason, with the irregular rhythm, fast bouts and sudden 'thumps', making me really stressed. Like you it disappeared when I went to the doctor! Infuriating! Eventually I had a 24 hour Holter monitor test as it kept reoccuring, and I was told that although it felt distressing it is nothing at all to worry about. It's apparently just a slight delay in the ventricle pumping blood, which then gives a bigger thumps to push the blood round (sorry, not a very technical description!). It's NOT a heart problem and not at all dangerous. Hospital advice was to do controlled breathing exercises (I do find this helps) when it comes on. Your doctor should be able to teach you the Valsalva manoeuvre too, which can stop it. I also take a high dose Magnesium supplement, which lots of people recommend. Also I watched youtube videos by Dr Sanjay Gupta, which really helped. I know it's very stressful- you really do need the advice and ressuraance from your doctor, who should offer you 24 hour monitoring to put your mind at rest. Sorry I've rambled on but I wanted you to know you're not alone. Good luck.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply tostarlight26

Thanks for the reassuring message. (it was well needed).

The thing is I've had all the relevant tests over the years. I've used magnesium, I've cut out alcohol, caffeine and salt. I have taken steps to reduce my palpations. Emotionally I have had counciling and do yoga regularly. I am doing the right things in the eyes of the professionals. My issue is that the palpations have gotten worse and my fear has just gone through the roof.

Yes... I've watched many a Dr Gupta YouTube and they help for sure.

Again thanks for the reply!

2468abcmuk profile image
2468abcmuk in reply toWBA123

They are horrible & unpredictable mostly

Sometimes you never know what triggers them and there is no point in stressing as they are common & loads people get them some a few others last for days weeks at a time personally I can have 20 a minute and it’s like a constant butterfly in my chest & mini thumps

Had lots of tests and all normal. If u get worked up they will last even longer I take bisoprolo which helps mostly but still get periods of them , sometimes a good fast work out will move them or glass freezing water

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to2468abcmuk

You know.. I've had these for year's off and on. But of late they've been very frequent and very annoying.

I too, have had, all the tests and been looked at like why are you here!

I honestly have struggled of late with them, so I'm going to my GP and seeing about trying antidepressants.

I've done counciling, cut out all the usuals coffee, alcohol, and salt. I keep hydrated, I've taken up yoga I've even have started getting them during Yoga I mean WTF. 😐 🤯

Thank you for your reply its was a welcomed distraction as I was battling with some palpitations!!

Missedbeat profile image
Missedbeat in reply toWBA123

I empathise with you. Have you considered an ablation? They have a high success rate for SVT and PVCs. I was having 20,000 PVCs a day and regular short bouts of SVT. After my ablation PVCs went down to 2 a day and my SVT episodes reduced. It’s all about quality of life and through ablation I got mine back. That said I’m wearing a Holter at the moment because I am getting frequent PACs. Hopefully they will pass but if not and I’m a suitable candidate I’ll ask for an ablation. It really can be a life changing event. I don’t want to go back to when I was constantly worrying about my PVCs, where I gave up sport, where I was constantly feeling my pulse and had a markedly reduced quality of life. Cardiologists always try to reassure you that they won’t kill you, but sometimes I think they’ve never gone through the personal anguish in dealing with arrthrymias on a daily basis like we have.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toMissedbeat

Good afternoon

I've been to many a cardiologist and have been on a quest to rid myself of PVCS and other palpitations.

Unfortunately I've not been successful in being free of them.

(until about 4 months ago).

I had conversations on this feed that people had been successful in using antidepressants.

So, I went to my doctors and they prescribed antidepressants and appart from the odd side effects my palpations have pretty much cleared up. I feel genuinely happier positive and the future.

This is just my experience I'm sharing and may not work for others.

I'm grateful for the conversations on here because they have helped me know end.

Thanks for your reply



Missedbeat profile image
Missedbeat in reply toWBA123

That’s very good to hear. It gives us hope.

Ramips2004 profile image
Ramips2004 in reply tostarlight26


What would be a good type of magnesium to take. I’m taking Magnesium Citrate, just 100 mg twice a day at the moment. Is there a better one? I suffer from PAC’s (premature atrial contractions)

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toRamips2004

I've tried a few the last one I tried was Magnesium Chelated before that Magnesium Taurate. (meant to be really good for the heart).

I mean before bed I'd pop a couple and they'd chill me out, but I never felt they helped with my ectopics. Everybody is different I guess.

I've gone down the antidepressants route recently as trying Magnesium, Omgea 3,cutting out alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and various other potential ectopic triggers just didn't make a difference they infact got worse.

Anyway.. all the best and you're not alone.

starlight26 profile image
starlight26 in reply toRamips2004

Hi, I started taking Magnesium after watching Dr Sanjay Gupta's youtube videos about it. He recommends Magnesium Pidolate but I found this hard to track down (and expensive) and he did say Magnesium Citrate was decent alternative. When I started I was taking stack doses of 250mgs 2 or 3 times a day as I was panicking and wanted to try anything that might help! I also started taking a Taurine supplement and did everything else which my doctor and other people recommended (though I avoided medication), including the Valsalve manoeuvre during really bad bouts, which helped a lot. I also avoided large meals, eating little and often, which also helped. I did slowly improve but I'm afraid I couldn't say for definite that it was the Magnesium but I would definitely recommend taking it (though not necessarily the high doses I took!). As I gradually improved I lowered the dose and now take just 125mgs once or twice a day. I do think the thing which helped me most was reassurance that nothing was wrong with my heart (after the Holter monitor, scan etc) and realising it was not life-threatening. I still get it, just not anywhere near as often, and I still really hate it, but am learning to live with it. I do hope you're managing OK. You're not alone- there are so many of us. Good luck and I really hope things improve for you soon.

Missedbeat profile image
Missedbeat in reply toRamips2004

How many PACs are you getting? I’m getting about 2 or 3 a minute.

alseja profile image

I do understand you. I have also tried everything. It seems that only atidepressives help.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toalseja

Yeah.. I've been considering antidepressants. So you've had success with them?

alseja profile image
alseja in reply toWBA123

After 8 years I am ok - from end of June . I take nebilet - nebivolol ( I am from Slovenia ) and Paroxat -15mg . I started with 10mg and after a month I increased to 15. About side effects: I had no apetite and still a lot of skipped beats. After 3 weeks all symptoms dissapeared. Try. Good luck!

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toalseja

Thank you so much for your input, I really appreciate it.

in reply toalseja

I was on citalopram for 7 years and all these things stopped, I came off them in November 2013 and they started again and have got worse over the years. I sympathise with anybody who puts up with this.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to

I do feel I've exhausted all options and antidepressants are the only thing that I've avoided.

I appreciate your reply, thank you!

alseja profile image
alseja in reply toWBA123

Me too. I insisted that I am not depressive. I regret I did not try them few years ago.

It was no life - pressure in my chest like having a stroke, skipped beats - 12 per minute ... Now I can drink coffee, a glass of wine. I also smoke.

You will see that they will help you.

in reply toalseja

I get the same problem,skipped beats,pressure in the chest too. I was depressed when I started taking antidepressants, but I was in a bad situation then. I think some of us are just anxious people ,it’s in the pshycological mind, when I am in certain situations my body goes berserk and I can,t wait to get away.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to

I can most definitely relate to your post.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toalseja

Yeah trying to figure out how to beat those ectopics can leave you living like a monk at times. Don't drink alcohol, give up caffeine, don't do this don't do that.

in reply toWBA123

Yes I can relate to that too! Years of eliminating any triggers, afraid to do this and that in case! Citalopram did make me feel more positive and gave me confidence to do something I should have done years ago. I never took more than 20mg and lived on 10mg for years, it took about 6 weeks to kick in, side effects weren’t nice but then it was a gradual getting more positive. I,m not encouraging to take this because everyone is different but it was a lifesaver for me.

alseja profile image
alseja in reply to

I agree . Paroxat was a life saver for me too.

RoyMacDonald profile image
RoyMacDonald in reply toalseja

"Me too. I insisted that I am not depressive. I regret I did not try them few years ago.

It was no life - pressure in my chest like having a stroke, skipped beats - 12 per minute ... Now I can drink coffee, a glass of wine. I also smoke.


Pressure in the chest is nothing like having a stroke in my experience. A stroke is suddenly losing control of part of your body and wondering why.

TinCool profile image

After a few episodes of major atrial fibrillation where both times I had to be cardioverted electrically, I was prescribed a low dose beta blocker. I take one 2.5mg of bisoprolol each morning which has pretty much cured my palpitations, as they were driving me up the wall and I was getting rather depressed about the whole thing.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toTinCool

I've tried bisoprolol 2.5mg.

I found they helped at the start, but my palpations resurfaced. (in fact a fast heart beat appeard whist I was on them).

Also, they, affected my mood.

I guess everyone is different, they just wasn't for me. But thanks for your input.

in reply toTinCool

I take Bisoprolol but it does not stop my ectopic beats. I am on a low dose of 1.25 and that makes me feel like a zombie.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to

Yes, I can relate to feeling like a Zombie. I felt 100 times better after stopping them, they even triggered asthma episodes and I don't have asthma. 😐

in reply toWBA123

Yes definitely feel as if my breathing is restricted. I did stop them for a few months but went back on them and I think you live in hope they are doing something for you and then you become afraid if you stop them something worse will happen.

Whatamug1 profile image

I found that sertraline stopped the ectopics. Also, try to remember what you ate/drank and at what time. Just note it down for comparisons for the nights you don't suffer. I'm certain I'm preaching to the converted but having lived with mine 24/7 for 4+ decades and discovered that sertraline worked after exhausting everything else over the years, I'm sure you'll do the same. I'm on 200mgs, if I drop 50 mgs they're back. Also found a Kardia helped me understand what sort of arrhythmias I was having, which put my mind at rest.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toWhatamug1

Antidepressants are something I'm seriously looking at and I really appreciate your reply, thank you!

Whatamug1 profile image
Whatamug1 in reply toWBA123

Interestingly, at a much younger age, I was an endurance athlete.

Jfelder profile image


I have between 4000-6000 PVC's/PAC's a day..It started out sporadic after long hard bike rides/races (I am an endurance athlete in my late 40's) and then would resolve. Fast forward about 5 years and I have them ALL day long and I feel them. They have run every test known to man on me..And they say I have a structurally normal heart and that for the most part they are harmless..Except for the fact that I feel them. Some people have them and dont even know it...Just depends on the individual. It is terribly unnerving but they typically will not ablate PAC's (because their origins are usually very sporadic throughout the heart) sometimes they will ablate PVC's again only if you are getting long runs of them originating from the same place...For the most part my team of cardiologists say...suck it up and live with it or we can try medications. I feel your pain!

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toJfelder

I've played a lot of sports over the years, ran half marathons and concider myself to be quite healthy. I'd say, not exercisesing over the last 18 months has contributed to the increase most definitely. Its like you do to much, you get them and you do nothing, you get them. I guess it's about finding that balance and I'm yet to do that.

I appreciate your reply.

Darrenedwards590329 profile image
Darrenedwards590329 in reply toJfelder

I have had them off and on for over a decade, the skipped beats, Recently been having them every day for the past few months. All day long. I went to an E.P. Doctor ran a bunch of tests and basically told me they are benign and not to worry. Its hard to accept that when they feel so disturbing and unnerving. Anyway I am still alive and just know you are not alone

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toDarrenedwards590329

I can relate and they definitely scare me and then I'm stuck in a viscous circle. I have however started antidepressants last Friday and will give them a go.

I Would like to thank you for your reassuring words.



Whatamug1 profile image
Whatamug1 in reply toWBA123

Hi, will be interested to know (in time) if you get any relief. Thanks ann ps all the best. It was bizarre to suddenly NOT be plagued by them 24/7.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toWhatamug1

Day 4 of taking the antidepressants so early days yet. Bad day with the palpitations today, came out of nowhere and haven't stopped since this morning.

Trying to remain positive though. 👍

in reply toWBA123

I found citalopram made me worse for at least 4 weeks before I started to feel a little better. I felt dizzy and could not sleep, my appetite started to come back slowly. The body takes time to get used to them.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to

I will continue taking them, like I said it's early days yet.

Just wish my heart would settle down. 🙄

in reply toWBA123

I had very bad palpitations before I was put on them,they ruled my life, I still had them on and off but I was more positive about them.,

I was working doing a responsible job and my anxiety would cause them at times especially during meetings.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to

Yeah.. I can go days palpitation free then bang a couple of days of non stop skipping and filp floping. I'm currently still getting them and these started yesterday morning.

I'm glad you have found away in managing them and hopefully I'm not too far away in a similar outcome.

Thank you for the reply.

Whatamug1 profile image
Whatamug1 in reply toWBA123

I take quite a dose and quite frankly stumbled across is by accident after being diagnosed with ptsd. I made a mistake with my dosage after they 'upped' it from 50mg to 100mg and took a double dose - I couldn't believe it when after a while my chest, neck, rib cage were still !!! So have no idea if they are causing damage : ))) but quite frankly I don't care either. Having had at least 4 different arrhythmias constantly since late teens, the cardio consultant was only just discovering that I had ectopic burden (hopeless) and was going to link me to the hospital to discover just how bad - (IT WAS) - but I beat them to it, which is why I passed the info on to this site after reading your plight. It may help someone else. Feeling soooo relieved now even though I did have a ha at the end of sept'19 - (100% blockage in LDA). I AM OLD !!!

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toWhatamug1

You're old, I get that, there's some kind of message in there?

You've had lots of different arrhythmia over the years from your teens and now you're OLD.

In other words stop worrying?

Thank you for your reply.

Stumpy47 profile image

I can certainly identify with your issues. Everyone knows ectopics aren't considered particularly dangerous but hardly any professional recognises how annoying & debilitating they can become that in itself probably raises anxiety & stress levels.

I had a checkup yesterday & have had Bisoprolol increased from 1.25 to 2.5mg a case of suck it & see for 3 months. I just hope I don't end up feeling constantly exhausted again!

Best wishes you are not alone!

in reply toStumpy47

I thought after ablation we wouldn,t have to take these drugs anymore.

Stumpy47 profile image
Stumpy47 in reply to

My understanding is that whilst an ablation may be successful, the heart still might need protection from too fast a heart rate , hence the continued use of beta blockers. That was my Cardiologists explanation!

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toStumpy47

I went from 1.25mg to 2.5mg it helped for a while but then they came back.

My GP wanted me to up the dose even more, but I wasn't keen on that. At this point, I was very miserable and I believe the beta blockers were contributing to that. Soon as I stopped my mood lifted and felt better emotionally.

I've been beta blocker free for a while now and can deal with the odd ectopic. It's when they come in runs and my heart is all over the place. That's my achilles heal.

Thanks for the reply.

Lovestoorun2 profile image

I have used a beta blocker and they don't work. I am also not depressed at all. I enjoy exercise and don't feel like I overdo it, however maybe i am as my body is reacting to the heat here in Australia. My husband says I am crazy, but I honestly love working up a sweat and don't feel uncomfortable at all. If I do, I slow down or stop. I think once you get heart problems you become more aware of your heart (I had wolfe-parkinson white when I was 19 and had an ablation which stopped the fast heart rythym but still get the skipped beats and flutters etc.

Not sure what I can do to make them go away. I can be relaxed as and they come on suddenly.... And then drs try to say that I am anxious, well der!

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toLovestoorun2

We're not crazy.

I hope everything is settling down in Australia. I used to love sports that was my antidepressant, so I understand where you're coming from. I too can feel relaxed and get them.

I'm going to see my GP and discuss antidepressants with him and give them a go.

jameshobby profile image

Good morning,

I have exactly the same problem. Ectopics got worse when I got to 50, tried all the pills and even had a failed ablation; all tests showed loads of ectopics (1000s per day sometimes) but nothing to worry about. I have fretted about this too, it is most unpleasant. My life has changed though as I really have stopped worrying about it, basically I feel fine. I take Verapamil as this is the only one that helps (get asthma so can’t use beta blockers - tried Nevibolol and it worked but gave me asthma). If you’ve been checked out and you’re ok, your best chance of a happy life is to just ‘dial out’, think about other things and after a period of time you will hardly notice them. That is my experience; the ectopics will reduce too. I think there is no magic solution and if you keep searching you will feel frustrated. Stay calm, find a pill that helps and dial out. I wish you luck my friend.


WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply tojameshobby

Yes... the worry is definitely a factor.

Seems to be a common side effect asthma when using beta blockers.

I do yoga and love it but on the odd occasion I've returned home these episodes of palpations have come. Now my mind tells me hang on I've just come from yoga I should be relaxed and destressed. Why is this happening I don't understand(you can see where this is going). Cue panic cue more ectopics cue a unsettled night of irregular heart beats.

Thanks for you reply and insight to your goings on.

jameshobby profile image

I’m sitting in bed with ectopics at the moment. I’ve stopped trying to figure them out, it is just how I am. I’ve noticed that when I sleep well and am relaxed things improve, so I aim for that. Stick with the yoga, it’s good for you. Good luck and have a fun weekend,

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply tojameshobby

Thank you James

Tray-ce profile image

Hi not sure of your age or ability but when I get a bout like this I go for a jog and 90% of the time it regulates my beat, even a mile sorts it out or ten mins in the treadmill, sometimes the anxiety of having an episode makes it worse, so a wee jog moves your focus x

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply toTray-ce

Yes, I've watched Dr Gupta of York cardiology explain that the best thing to do is get the heart beating faster.

Wheather that's get up and move around or some form of exercise. So I believe you're right in your suggestion.

I think, because they have been happening before bed the last thing on my mind is to do something like that, but I'll bare it in mind.

Thank you for your help, much appreciated.

Tray-ce profile image
Tray-ce in reply toWBA123

I’ve seen me getting out of bed and jogging on the spot as fast as I can for a minute or so just to get the heart rate up, glad no one can see me lol but i have to say it def helps, oh and don’t sleep on your left side x

duchess1226 profile image

I am so sorry to know you went through this. I too suffer but I never have a racing pulse, just the weird thuds and almost pauses and then feels like bubbles almost.. I have seen the best cardiologist in town, 10 day haltor, EKG, Echo, stress, the works and they are benign palpitations associated with my bradycardia (my resting heart beat is in the 50s, 40s while sleep) This is the only 'side-effect'of my bradycardia so... and with all my extensive YEARS of doctors palps are still as terrifying as the first time. I agree with other members about magnesium. Also, make sure you are fully hydrated. Its a pain getting up to pee, but they seem to lessen my palps at night. Take care xoxoxo

WBA123 profile image

Thanks for the reply.

I try and keep hydrated and magnesium chilled me out when I used it. But I found they didn't really help with my palpations. I've used omega 3 recently, which I found helpful and quite calming.

I've got a pre-pland ECG booked this afternoon and I can tell you how that will go. "Everythings OK Mr Ford you were in synus rhythm throughout."

Anyway... I've had a settled week and reading everybody's experiences has helped me.

Anrv_23 profile image

I had a 3-5 seconds PVC episode while reading this! I had an ablation and after 6 months it came back. I had second eps but they couldn’t find anything. I was on 50 mg Flecainide and doing okay but my doctor switched back to Atenolol 12.5 mg since we are planning to have a baby. Although it is a low dose my blood pressure went down to 70/50’s and I had to quit it. Like you, I was told that I have a structurally normal heart. It seems that my electrophysiologist lost his interest in me since I visited him in every 3-4 months. Now, I feel embarrassed to visit him again. Currently, I am not using any medication but taking Magnesium supplement (I read somewhere it was said that especially Magnesium Taurine is good for PVCS l). I haven’t felt any irregular rhythm for a week except today.

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