Good morning. I’m just wondering if anyone else experiences this? I have palpitations and a fluttery feeling in my chest but along with that I have this strange feeling in both legs. It feels as if all the blood is rushing through them 10x the speed and they feel really achy and uncomfortable. It’s a strange feeling, almost a fish going up and down them. It’s making the palpitations worse and almost made me throw up. Anyone else or just me?
Does anyone else experience this? - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Does anyone else experience this?
Hi Honeybean12, I have on rare occasions experienced something which I think might be similar but although I have AF, it hasn't occurred specifically at the same time. Once or twice it's happened on waking up. In my case it's over in a moment or two, so it hasn't particularly worried me. It does cause a strange ache as it happens, almost as though I've just done some really strenuous exercise and my legs suddenly feel a bit weak. But as to cause, I have no idea and I think that if you are worried about yours you should mention it to your GP at some point.
I can't say I feel that exactly, but I feel like someone has plugged me. Into the electricity. Like I am vibrating internally. And everything aches 😢

Thank you for your post. Have you just started to experience heart palpitations and 'fluttery' feelings? If so, it is important not to ignore these symptoms and speak to your doctor for advice. It's important to monitor your heart rate regularly, to ensure you become familiar with it - is it too fast? too slow? jumping around on a regular basis? if so, share this info with your doctor. I have attached a link to the Arrhythmia Alliance 'Know your pulse' video that will provide some help