Grounding/Earthing: Grounding/Earthing... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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philologus profile image
4 Replies


I have been using and researching the use of earthing for the last six months and have learned a lot of things that I feel would be useful to members here since our problems stem from electric impulses. (In my case too many which caused a lot of ectopics.)

If I write a brief post about it would that be OK and where should I put it please?



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4 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi George

I'd just put it on here as a post. You could put it on the AF Association page too, but we have discussed it on there already. Has it helped you that's the main thing we all need to know? If it has, then post it everywhere you can.


philologus profile image
philologus in reply to jeanjeannie50

Is this OK?

This post is about Earthing/Grounding.

About me first though...

I'm nearly 75 and I have arthritis, sciatica, a trapped nerve in my neck, heart failure, reflux, latent TB....

I took Tramadol for the arthritic pain for two years until it caused arrhythmia. I was getting 30,000+ ectopic beats a day and this caused heart failure at level four.

I read on this site that iodine might help so I researched it and tried it and my ectopics almost completely disappeared within a week!

This meant that my heart could start to recover a bit. It has, and I am now rated at level two.

I had a full-body scan while being checked for TB and this required an iodine based contrast medium to be used. They got the amount wrong and I got hyperthyroidism - which was not pleasant. I stopped taking the supplementary iodine of course and then my ectopics started to return.

I'd heard about Earthing/grounding and how it helped a number of people I know so I spent a month researching it and also read the book, "Earthing" by Clinton Ober et al (Earthing Bible) and decided it was worth a try.

Earthing is as old as mankind is. We were designed to walk on the earth but we have insulated ourselves from it by wearing man-made soles on our shoes and by covering our floors with vinyl and carpets. At the same time, we have greatly increased our use of and exposure to electricity and EMF. This means that we have a build-up of excess electricity in our body but no way to get rid of it unless we earth ourselves.

I used a multi-meter and checked my body voltage. As I got nearer to electrical products my reading went up. I then earthed myself at the same time and my reading went down to almost zero very quickly.

Imagine your heart as a four-cylinder motor with a spark plug in each cylinder. For the motor to work properly the sparks have to come in the right order, at the right time and at the right intensity every time.

Now imagine loosening or disconnecting the earth lead from the battery that's supplying the power. Can you hear the fuses popping?

Imagine putting a few more spark plugs in there too...

AFib and other arrythmias are electrical problems so we need to restore a properly functioning electrical system if a fault develops, and earthing ourselves regularly is one of the things we can do that could help.

I began by taking my shoes and socks off and standing on the grass in my front garden for half-an-hour before bed. (Damp grass is even better.)

Apart from a few funny looks from passing people and my next-door neighbour, this went without hitch.

For the first time in at least twenty years, I fell asleep within fifteen minutes of going to bed and I slept for six and a half hours!

Within a week my ectopics had stopped again, the pain from my arthritis had almost gone (has gone now) and I am now able to use an exercise bike to get to a better level of fitness.

I am now using an earthing mat instead of freezing my tootsies off outside. :-)

It works like this:- We live on the Earth but most of us don't touch it much now. You build up too much positive electricity by your daily routine so you need to get rid of it.

Protons have a positive charge.

Neutrons have no charge.

Electrons have a negative charge.

When you are Earthed you automatically absorb the electrons and this reduces electrical imbalances in the body and the oxidative free radicals involved in chronic inflammation and many diseases.

The earth is a 6 sextillion (that's 21 zeros) tonne battery and the crust is negatively charged. You earth yourself and the earth balances you. It neutralises the excess in your body. That's how my meter reading worked.

The main thing that happens is that inflammation is reduced/eliminated and this helps just about everything your body does.

In a normal heart rhythm, the upper chambers of the heart - the atria- contract in unison in response to an electrical signal generated by pockets of specialized cardiac cells called the sinus node. In patients with afib, however, the conduction becomes deranged and electrical signals scatter throughout the atria. Instead of contracting, the atria beat quickly and irregularly. This results in the loss of normal, synchronous pulsation and raises the risk of blood pooling and forming clots inside the chambers.

PVCs involve a misfiring of the bundle of cells that regulate the electrical conduction to the ventricles, the two lower chambers of the heart due to some "irritability" of the heart muscle. (Earthing. Clinton Ober et al.2014)

I should point out here that Earthing makes blood less "sticky" so you should inform your GP etc if you decide to try Earthing as s/he might want to monitor you if you use "blood thinners". Many people have been able to reduce/stop their medication.

An all-natural blood thinner with no side effects? Woo Hoo!

It's free to try - just kick off your shoes and stand on grass, sand, etc for half an hour.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to philologus

I'm afraid I don't think you're allowed to advertise products you're selling on this forum. Before seeing that at the end of your post I thought you were doing well. The last time I looked it was possible to buy earthing mats online in the UK, so I don't know why you had to import some.

philologus profile image
philologus in reply to jeanjeannie50

I wanted some for a few members of my family and a few friends so I thought I'd buy 50 packs in order to get them at a good price. I have about 25 left so thought others might appreciate the oportunity of getting a pack at a price below what they would expect tp pay.

If the post is not allowed then I have no objection to it being deleted.

Alternatively, the last part can be deleted so that the basic info remains for those who want it.

My apologies if I got it wrong.


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