Hi everyone - Hope you’re all staying safe! I have really been dragging my feet with getting vaccinated, because I’m worried it will bother my heart (or cause a heart attack or something terrible). The variant is getting pretty bad here in Texas, so I’m really leaning towards finally getting one (Pfizer). I’m 25, slightly overweight (actively losing weight though), female, and have SVT, ectopic beats, and two autoimmune diseases. I have already had Covid once - it was not awful, but I certainly would like to avoid doing it again. I’ve done tons of research and there’s just so much contradicting information out there. I know a lot of people here have heart abnormalities too - what are your experiences/ recommendations? Thank you so much for your time!
Vaccine Hesitancy Advice for young ad... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Vaccine Hesitancy Advice for young adult w/ SVT

Hi there - thank you for your post - you may wish to visit our Arrhythmia Alliance US website to view our 'Arrhythmias and the Covid Vaccine - answering patient questions' to help answer some of your questions: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/... you are also invited to join us for our 'Virtual' online Patients Day 21 - launching on October 3rd 2021 heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
Please separate the quality of advice from the quantity. The advice from medical experts and recognised organisations is pretty simple - get the jab.
Latest research shows heart problems more likely from Covid than the jab:
There really isn’t any conflicting information . There’s information from reliable, informed credible sources and then there’s nonsense.
If you have concerns then speak to your medical practitioner is my advice.
Did you post twice? My answer is the same as before.
All the best.
I have svt and am 62 I had the astra Zeneca jab no side effects just a sore arm at injection site for couple days , just do it
My dear fellow Texan - I too have unspecified autoimmune disorders that involve fibromyalgia and all the glories that come with it. Also, I have had previous exposure to a covid - SARS/MEHRS that hospitalized me for a week back in 2005. How could I forget that when considering taking the covid 19 shots? In addition, I have ongoing health concerns that most certainly will take me to yet another surgeon's table soon. Needless to say, I have been advised by more than 3 of my healthcare provders that at this time they advise that I SHOULD NOT introduce more into my system until my current surgical concerns can be appropriately addressed. Further, my research of the disease(s) and related shots/remedies I discovered the Texas Cares Act that provides anyone who chooses to participate antibody T-Cell tests at no charge that will reveal ones current immunity status. I believe the research there will serve myself as well as my fellow citizens. It's easy to online and testing facilities are all over the place. I am not anti-vac - had to have those before being allowed into school many years ago. Things of this nature are changing at such an accelerated pace - perhaps we've already achieved herd immunity and just dont know it. Anyway I wish you the best on your decision here and hope you will join those of us so inclined to participate in the antibody testing prior to getting the shots. Again it's at no charge to you and the info obtained will be helpful to all. Have a a Happy Friday. Best wishes.