As a sufferer of PVC's for 45 years I have done the rounds of cardiologists and not one of them seems to have a clue what is going on. All they can do is try to address the effects with drugs, rather than eliminate the cause. And often the drugs come with their own serious side effects. Ablation works for some but not all. I have long been aware that what goes into my stomach, or what doesn't, has a direct relationship to my symptoms - I have had up to 23 000 ectopic beats in a single day. But the cardiologists tell me that stimulation of the vagus nerve will only slow my heart rate. I know that when my stomach is empty my symptoms get much worse, and that when I have a decent meal they ease off. But I have found recently that simulating a full stomach by drinking lots of water does have a dramatic effect on reducing the number of ectopics I get.
In the last few months the frequency and severity of my symptoms had been increasing severely. Then, a few weeks ago, when they started firing up, I started drinking lots of water. The magic number seems to be 18 mouthfuls, several times a day. Lo and behold I am starting to feel a lot better.
Could it be dehydration that is involved here?
Oh, and on occasion my old remedy of a dose of gaviscon helps a lot.
Cliff in Western Australia.