Hi first time posting i have always had anxiety most of my life ,lived with daily ectopics for years ,but my anxiety has been through the roof for months,been on proprinalol for years daily 40 mg but anxiety still high doc has now started me on sertraline which has heightened my anxiety,had to go to a&e as my heart was a bit faster and missing beat after beat which went on for 3 hours i was terrified had to wait 2 hours to be seen but my heart had calmed down before i had been seen has any body ever had this happen to .
Has this ever happended to any one - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Has this ever happended to any one

Yes i have anxiety and have had this its the extra adrenaline i think
Hi yes i do feel adreniline but i do take propronalol for that but my dose was a bit low feeling a bit better now ,on day 6 of sertraline sick of taking medication,thank you for your reply .
Oh good.Yes i also take a small dose of propranolol also sertraline .how many years have you been on the propranolol for x
I have been on propronalol about 15 years at low dosage 20mg but with anxiety high again with the sertraline 40 mg twice to three times a day until anxiety settles and sertraline kicks in x
Are you seeing anyone for your anxiety? I also deal with anxiety and heart arythmmias... ectopics...are my trigger. Calming my nervous system usually helps the ectopics lessen, and when I lose my fear of them, they basically go away. They can be so frightening that I completely understand.
I responded poorly to both inderol and setraline. inderol caused my blood pressure to suddenly drop to a dangerous level after just a few tablets, and setraline I nearly fainted twice just two weeks into the medication, so I stopped it. I've taken anxiety meds for years but surely built up a tolerance by now so not sure they do much anymore. I don't believe that my anxiety is the cause of my palpitations which may be atrial fibrillation. I believe it's the other way round. Both my mother and grandmother had it.
I think that sometime my palpatations cause the anxiety, if i dont have the missed beats i feel fine , but when they come back ,it starts the anxiety again .