Pvcs all day and night long - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Pvcs all day and night long

Ceelos81 profile image
23 Replies

I’ve been dealing with pvcs for the past 2 days non stop from morning till throughout the whole night. They are the worst when I’m relaxed and just laying down. It almost seems like every few beats I get them. Almost like hiccups. I’ve always felt them for at least 6 years now but this time they are back with a vengeance. I lost a whole night of sleep and it looks like tonight won’t be any easier. Anybody else experience this?

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Ceelos81 profile image
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23 Replies
HealthyHappySafe profile image

I can’t say I experience them for hours on end however, I get them daily and at various intervals. They suck and totally run my life. Working on the anxiety aspect of it!

WBA123 profile image

Hi Ceelos8,

I've suffered with pvcs for 20 years + on and off. I recently went to Barcelona on a city break and they played me up chronic. (I'd just be sitting there and I'd feel that long pause and the thud, I'd turn my body to look at something and thud, I'd breathe in and thud, all day this happened and it got me to the point where I was ready to just stay in my hotel room).

I however kept going and have since had an appointment with a cardiologist a couple of days ago. Guess what, since my appointment I've not had any.(funny that!).

My appointment was a positive one and my 7 day holter monitor showed only 4 ectopic heartbeats when I had pressed the button 22 times. My heart rhythm was in sinus rhythm throughout even though I thought it wasn't beating correctly at times. I'm being sent for a echo in a couple of weeks just to check the structure of the heart and will have 12 monthly check ups and I will need to go to my GP every 2 months to get my BP checked as it was slightly high. (my father had a stroke so the cardiologist said because of that we will keep an eye, hence the checkups).

I'm 38 years old and have had ectopics for years, they at times have caused me a lot of problems and emotional distress. My advice would be to get them checked if you haven't already. Also get support for the anxiety. I now do yoga and have had counciling for a recent separation and other life events. Keep your chin up and you're most definitely not alone. :-)

Ceelos81 profile image
Ceelos81 in reply to WBA123

You just described me in your post to a T. I had multiple cardiologists tell me I’m fine. I’m getting to a point to chalk it up to anxiety. It seems anything can trigger them my heart is just so sensitive.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to Ceelos81

Yeah.. I can relate to anything can trigger them. I wouldn't move out of my chair with fear of triggering ectopics. I would only lay a certain way in bed because that's seemed to be a trigger too. The list was endless.

anetap4545 profile image
anetap4545 in reply to WBA123

How do u cope with thr sensation ot cripples me

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to anetap4545

Before, I never believed my emotional state was the problem.

And although the ectopics were horrible they are completely normal. (never thought I'd say that!)

My Mum has them, my Dad too!

I've got a good support network and counciling and yoga have helped.

So when I get that feeling you discribe I am now able to rationalise what they are and how I'm feeling emotionally and soon enough I forget about them. It's a process that is currently working for me!

Hope this helps.

anetap4545 profile image
anetap4545 in reply to WBA123

Do you still get them. Its like i lay down boom pause boom boom ... i hate it. 5 years of it. How do i not fear it like you. When do i worry. I just hate it the fear cripple me i hrab my chest and focus on every beat

anetap4545 profile image
anetap4545 in reply to anetap4545

Day 4 of magnesium also no relief

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to anetap4545

Yeah I've tried magnesium over the years and I used to take it before bed. Apart from getting a better night's sleep I'd still get ectopics.

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to anetap4545

Yes I still get them. I've Been out most of today and felt a few.

I could have quite easily focused on them but I've been talking with friends and have therefore been distracted.

I know it's hard to break the cycle of worry but you have to keep going and know you're not alone.

anetap4545 profile image
anetap4545 in reply to WBA123

Can i message you?

WBA123 profile image
WBA123 in reply to anetap4545

Yeah sure!

It's getting late where I am so I will pick up your message tomorrow.

I'm sorry if thats not helpful.

Shhh9 profile image
Shhh9 in reply to anetap4545

Hi, I hope it was got better for you both. I'm going through the same thing now, how is it going for you?

FlStudioLord profile image

I had a day like that years ago where they were non stop. All I can say is go see a cardiologist and ask if they can prescribe you beta blockers to lessen their frequency. I took beta blockers everyday to deal with them and they went away for the most part. Also I'm convinced that PVCs can be attributed to mineral deficiencies in potassium and magnesium. These minerals are important to the electrical conductivity of your heart's rhythm. You can try drinking low sodium vegetable juice that has a good potassium serving such as 850mg per 8 FL oz. Also try vagal maneuvers such as coughing, having a bowel movement and even sneezing. These can disrupt the PVCs.

Jordynfrye29 profile image
Jordynfrye29 in reply to FlStudioLord

I have iron deficiency anemia and I get them

Jonp profile image

I used to have pvcs for hours on end till I found my triggers. For me they come from pressure in the stomach/bowels from swallowing air. Fizzy drinks incl. lager, sipping hot drinks with air to cool them, talking too much particularly while eating, overbreathing all cause me to swallow air. I still get pvcs but much less if I avoid the above. Hope this helps some of you. I also tape my mouth at night (Buteyko breathing) which stops me snoring and swallowing air while sleeping. Take care with this, don't tape the whole mouth at first.

As FlStudioLord said, do not underestimate an electrolyte imbalance that is causing your PVCs. Your electrolytes are primarily the balance between potassium, sodium, and magnesium. It took me quite a while to figure out that this was my trigger, despite the fact that my hospital blood tests would consistently show that my electrolytes were "normal". Many people find that magnesium helps them tremendously, however for me, magnesium made things worse. I eventually discovered that potassium is what I needed. And I'm not talking about supplements, I'm talking about Low-Sodium V8 juice. If you haven't tried it, spend the $3 on a big jug at any grocery store the next time you have PVCs like you have described, and just drink a large glass, about 16 ounces or so, and sip it down, and see how you feel about 20 or 30 minutes later. Make sure that it is the Low Sodium version of the V8 juice. Potassium reduces sodium in your body so you don't want a version of it that has more sodium than potassium. The worst that can happen is you'll get a good dose of daily vegetables, and for me, it has solved about 90% of my PVC problems. It may or may not work for you, but at least it's something to try. When I heard about this for the first time I rolled my eyes but I did go out and buy some and try it, and I was amazed at the difference it made in me. Maybe it will help you. Another thing to try, especially if you're overweight, is to try and lose just 10% of your total body weight. You'll be amazed at what that will do for you in all other areas of your life as well. And finally, if you're not getting good quality sleep each night, try to change it so that you are. The term that they seem to use these days is good "sleep hygine", and if you can go to bed at approximately the same time each night in a completely dark room that is not too hot, and get consistently good sleep each night, it will also go a long way to helping you and all other areas of your life as well. Good luck.

anetap4545 profile image
anetap4545 in reply to

Wow simple as drink v8 juice to stop ectopics? Should i do magnesium? I have hypothyroidism also

in reply to anetap4545

Everyone's trigger is different, and lower potassium may not be yours. But if it is, you may find that low-sodium V8 juice will help you tremendously. I'm not saying at all that it's a cure-all for everyone, but for people that are triggered by low potassium, it does wonders for them. You may not be one of those people, but then again you might be. Like I said, giving it a try isn't going to hurt you, but if you don't give it a try, you'll never know.

natsss profile image

I have to agree with everyone else. I woke up one day with none stop PVC’s. I actually went to the ER where they said I could use a bit of potassium but that they didn’t think that’s what was causing it. They told me they were not dangerous so we’re discharing me to go home. What they did do though is give me two larger doses of potassium. Well, about 30 minutes later the pvc’s were gone. Next day, woke up, pvcs back again. I went out and bought juices high in potassium. I would drink a huge glass, 30 minutes later they’d stop... it took me about a month, but they eventually went away, not totally, but to a point they didn’t bother me as much. I cant say this is what causes it for everyone, and mine didn’t go away completely, but I’d say about 80 percent of mine diminished, and who knows, maybe I’m lacking some sort of other mineral/vitamin. Our bodies are pretty complicated.

maria40 profile image

I simply eat a banana every day and this, plus cutting out caffeine has reduced my SVTs greatly.

Jgirl333 profile image

Same. Cardiologist said Potassium and Magnesium supplements. Had Echo stress test and 7 day holter monitor as well. Anxiety, low vitamins, pressure in stomach and chest from swallowing air...all possibilities for me. Had a bunch yesterday and I think it was from swallowing air because after PVC the air always comes up, it’s so weird.

Ceelos81 profile image

I always wondered about the heart and stomach connection. Sometimes when I get a random pvc my stomach starts to gurgle. Not sure if it’s my anxiety making it gurgle or I’m actually having stomach gas that’s connected to my pvcs?? I did read about the V8 low sodium and I started drinking it it on Friday so just a couple days in just waiting for results keeping my fingers crossed it helps

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