Hi. My names Andy and I have dozens of really powerful ectopics in a day . I just wondered if anyone gets them bad particularly at night? It's been so continuous recently that I cannot sleep. Every time I drop off these things hit me so hard I am jolted awake ! So tired haven't had more than an hour every night for weeks ! Doctors don't seem to care and just give me sleeping pills which don't work !
Continual pvcs. : Hi. My names Andy and... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Continual pvcs.

Hi Andy. Although we all experience different symptoms, my suggestion below may help:
I have had AF for about 25 years. I have had three ablation procedures and am stilll taking medication, the combination of which seemed to be working for me up to about 24 months ago, when I started to experience really unpleasant ectopic episodes, often at night.
My consultant suggested increasing my dose of Flecainide Acetate from 50mg twice a day to 100mg twice a day and this seems to have done the trick, to the extent he only needs to see me in clinic at 12 monthly intervals, after years of attending clinics twice a year. I have had no ectopics or AF for 18 months now and it is just wonderful to be free of these ghastly symptoms.
This may not be the answer for you, but it would be well worth asking your GP and/or your consultant if this is worth trying for you.
Good luck Andy.
Hi Andy. I'm going through a bout of the same at the moment but not just a night. More often after I eat, if I bend over etc. And definitely at night. I get the same real thumps along with lots of flutters. And feel a lot of discomfort too and dizzy. The GP isn't interested (only ectopics they say) but I know how much anxiety this causes! I've had all the tests and know there's nothing structurally wrong so without any help from the doctors I've taken advice from this forum and have started taking magnesium and apple cider vinegar to see if this helps. It may not - but anything is worth a try!!
I was getting bouts / runs of ectopics and they were really bad. One night I felt I was being shaken, it was scary. Stay calm I said to myself, how do you do that when your tickers banging round of it's own accord!
Anyhow, I took myself off to the local hospital and told them. The nurse explained to me that ectopics are harmless. Then she took my pulse and said "oh I see what you mean". Second nurse came in, exactly the same speech, followed by taking my pulse and "oh I see what you mean". Then the general doctor arrived, you guessed it, same again.
Anyhow I absolutely insisted on some action and I asked for a private referral to my EP. He put me on anti-arrhythmic drugs. It wasn't straight forward. We went through 4 different ones before we got one that worked and I haven't had anything I can feel for 2-3 years now. I was tried on Flecainide, didn't work, then something else, can't remember what, then Propafenone which worked but made me feel weird, and finally Disopyramide which has been great for me.
I also try to eat only very small meals, more regularly, and never late, zero alcohol and zero caffiene except maybe during the day a bit. And only lie on my right.
I don't think my GP would have given me a referral had I not gone private. Best £250 I've ever spent.
Good luck, I know how you feel !
Hi Koll. I was thinking about going private but money is a bit tight for me at the moment! Same for me about the eating only small amounts. I have actually lost over 4 stone in weight over the last year ! Glad you feel bit better and thanks for the reply!
Im a 40 years old woman.
I have VT. AF and ectopics.
My ectopics were so bad I couldnt function, or sleep for years....
I've had every beta blocker and Calcium channel blocker (they make me 100% worse)
I ended up in Glenfield hospital where I was put on Flecanide .....It has been amazing!!!
I can sleep again, and my ectopics are nearly zero.
Its been life changing!
Hope this helps?!