Had the EP study and found nothing worth ablating. Feels like a massive loss. After the procedure my heart is giving me more palps and SVT than ever. Is this common after the procedure? as it feels like its done more harm than good. Have to wait 4 months for follow up.
EP found nothing ๐: Had the EP study... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
EP found nothing ๐

I have put my ablation off because I read so many posts that have had further problems after interfering with the heart. I have ectopics and Svt which does compromise my life, so far only 7 in 2 years which required hospital treatment, but lots of little runs which go on their own. I am 72 and quite active but get ver physically tired.
I was told to have EP study for PVC and PACs I do take verapamil and flecanaide seems to be managing them ok so havenโt had the EP study.
Hopefully things will settle down for you and you get some answers from people who have had the procedure.
Take care and all the very best.
Haven't had this issue but it sounds very frustrating! Try not to stress on it. It can cause your heart more problems. Prayers your way๐
It will take your heart sometime to settle down, hence the follow up in four months. Try taking magnesium (not magnesium oxide, and not enough to give you diarrhea), for several months. In time it is very likely to help.
How are you doing now?
Hi.. I've been there, in your situation, twice. 2 EP studies, one with 3d mapping, but no ablation. I was in tears after both, but my cardiologist and electrophysiologist never gave up on working with me to manage my symptoms. The EP studies at least helped them eliminate some possible diagnoses and they reached the correct one only when they were sure of what they were not dealing with. So cheer up! It wasnt a waste, at least they know what it isnt. (Mine turned out to be Abnormal automaticity by the way)
An EP study can be quite hard on your body, even without the ablation. So rest and be nice to yourself till you feel totally alright. Good luck!