I live in the US (I get the sense that many on this forum are in the UK). I had a 21 day event monitor report that said I had all kinds of weird and scary things, like AF, A flutter, PVCs, and even ventricular tachycardia (which can become the fatal ventricular fibrillation!) My regular cardiologist just repeated to me what was on the event monitor report and it scared the heck out of us both! Turns out it was WRONG. Two EPs looked at the EKGs and agreed that I had "aberrant conduction" from ectopics and atrial tachycardia that looked like PVCs and V tach. I don't even have AF...there are P waves buried in there that must be absent for a diagnosis of AF. (I am also a veterinarian so know a bit about cardiology.)
The lesson I learned is to have an EP look at things and don't trust the monitor report. Your regular cardiologist will likely not be skilled enough to sort out very complex EKG readings either.
I am scheduled for ablation in 6 days to zap the very angry little foci causing the problem. Yes, it is very early in the course of things but affecting my quality of life and also what I have is a strong predictor for developing AF later. Recommendations for early ablation over drugs have changed in the last couple of years, so now insurance companies will pay for it without any argument. The biggest worry my EP has is finding the misbehaving spots, so i have to be off drugs, supplements, magnesium, etc. and he plans to do it without any anesthesia (YIKES) in order to have it as irritated and apparent as possible when it is mapped.
I'll be sure to post my experiences post ablation!